Stark!Reader x Theon Greyjoy - Outlaw in 'Em

Start from the beginning

"You bitch," he hissed, and you watched on with a scowl as the blood oozed from between his fingers.

"When a lady tell you she is not interested it is not an invitation to force yourself on her," you growled at him, spitting at his feet before turning on your heel and storming away, Sansa following close behind you. You knew that your mother would soon know what had happened, and she would be in search of you when she did.

"Are you alright?" Sansa asked you softly, her hand on your back when you took a seat at a table as far away from the man as you could possibly be. You nodded a little too quickly, and you could see that she didn't believe you but she knew better than to press the subject now.

You were surprised when Theon reached you before your mother had a chance to, Jon trailing close behind him. Both wore smiles which you knew would soon lead to teasing, and you let out another sigh as you glanced up at them. "Lady Stark didn't look too pleased at your violent actions, My Lady," Theon chuckled and you let out a soft bubble of laughter.

"I won't lie to you Theon, I wasn't to pleased with them either," you told him with a shrug and his teasing smirk fell.

"None of us would have let him hurt you, in fact, I was on my way over to tell him to piss off when you did the deed yourself," he muttered, sitting down beside you and putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Did she look as mad as I thought she would?" you asked him quietly and he let out a little laugh.

"She looked more worried than angry," he murmured back, moving away slightly as the crowd parted to reveal your mother.

"Mother, please let me explain," you started but she cut you off with a shake of her head.

"It is your brother's wedding night and you couldn't restrain yourself for a single night," she started, pointing at the door and watching as you got to your feet and started towards it. Once you were out in the hallway she glanced at you again, her eyebrows raised to demand an explanation.

"I asked him to leave me alone and he wouldn't. He was hurting me," you told her, pulling your sleeve up to reveal the angry red mark on your wrist which was sure to bruise.

"In future, try to be less physical in your protests, you've made a complete fool of yourself," she grumbled, though her fingers ran slightly over your wrist before pulling you into a hug.

*Time Skip*

"How're you doing, Jailbait?" Theon smiled when you glance up at him, moving to sit opposite you as you sipped your tea and pushed your food around your plate. You smiled softly at him, forcing away the new nickname into the back of your mind as you shook your head.

"I'm fine," you told him, raising your voice and watching him wince slightly, "How's your head?" you asked him, your smile wider when you scowled playfully at you.

"Worse than you could ever imagine," he told you and you raised your eyebrows as you laughed at him.

"I don believe that the infamous Theon Greyjoy needs to learn to handle his drink a little better," you teased him, watching as he raised his hand to his heart.

"You wound me, My Lady." His words caused you to burst into laughter, drawing the attention of your mother and father at the head table. "Though, not as badly as you wounded that poor bastard last night," he continued, glancing up from his food when your laughter faltered and came to a stop. "I'm just joking," he mumbled through his mouthful, causing you to shrug. "Seriously, Y/N," he murmured once he had swallowed his food, "there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself."

"Mother told me she is worried that it could scare the other Lords, that some of them have already withdrawn their sons as suitors," you told him softly and he raised his eyebrows at you.

"You don't want to marry them anyway." You shrugged slightly and he frowned.

"I don't know what I want but I'd still rather not have men shying away from me because they think I'm too dangerous." Your voice was so soft he hardly heard you, but you felt his hand come to rest on top of yours, causing you to look up at his face.

"Anyone who knows you knows that you aren't dangerous, they are stupid if they think that they shouldn't marry you," he told you and you let out a little chuckle.

"If I didn't know better I would think you were flirting with me, Greyjoy," you teased, but he simply smiled at you and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"What?" he exclaimed, a little too loudly, and you glanced over at your parents before withdrawing your hand from under his. "I'd be insane to think that being married to some random woman would be better than being married to you," he continued, drawing your eyes back to him.

"And who said I would want to marry you?"

"Wouldn't you?" He had answered your question with another, and you let out a deep sigh.

"I don't know, I've never really thought about it." Liar, you thought, you had thought about it plenty of times, thought about what becoming Lady Greyjoy would mean for you in the long run. What would it be like to be married to Theon?

"Well, perhaps you should," he told you softly, finishing his last bite of his breakfast and getting to his feet. He sent you a small wink before he walked towards the door and you felt your cheeks heat up as you glanced after him.

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