Play Toy or Pretend

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I'd like to thank Pinksakura271 for helping me with some idea's for this chapter and for reviewing :)

Josie was woken up by the sound of the cage opening, she looks up to see Mal looking at her "Come on sleepy head, you can come out now." Mal told her, Josie moved further into the back of the cage. Mal rolled her eyes, she pulled the cage towards herself before going around the back and tilting the box forward, Josie fell out of the cage with a whimper. "You didn't want to go in there before and now you don't want to come out." Mal sighed "Crazy cat." Mal said before picking Josie up, Josie didn't get a chance to move before she was picked up.

Mal sat on her bed and held Josie on her lap, she started to stroke the hybrids ears. Then someone knocked on the door, Mal groaned before yelling "It's open!" Ginny opened the door and walked in. "Your royal highness, I came to warn you that Pinky will not be made submissive easily." Ginny told Mal formally, showing Mal a lot of respect as she spoke. Mal laughed "No Ginny, you don't know that Pinkette like I do. She will be tamed by anyone-"Mal was cut off by Josie leaping off her lap and running through the open door.

Josie ran as fast as she could, she had no idea where she was going, she only cared that she got away. Eventually Josie's legs and feet began to ache and throb. Josie started to pant, she stopped for a minuet and fearfully checked to see if Mal was behind her, she sighed when she noticed Mal wasn't there... yet.

Gaston was walking through the castle halls to see something that sent alarm bells ringing in his head, a creature with cat ears and a tail. He stomped on the creature's tail, as the creature meowed in pain Gaston kicked it into a wall before clamping his hands around it's throat, attempting to strangle the monstrosity. The creature clawed at his hands and struggled desperately to escape.

Mal and Ginny were searching for Kat when they heard Gaston yelling, they followed Gaston's voice to see him attacking Josie. "Hey, you, Brute, paws of Queen Mal's pet!" Ginny yelled before she stomped on Gaston's foot. "OW!" Gaston yelled as he held onto his foot before yelling out several colourful words before suddenly realising what she said, Gaston paled in dread. Ginny ignored Gaston and picked up Josie who had coughed up a little bit of blue blood and was now gasping for air, she gave the hybrid back to Mal.

Josie was clinging onto Mal, shaking as she held on, she preferred Mal to Gaston. Red marks covered Josie's neck from where Gaston tried to strangle her. Gaston looked to Queen Mal with a look of terror on his face. "I- I didn't know. That thing looks like an abomination, So, I had the instinct to kill it. Please my Lady, forgive me." Gaston stuttered, Mal just smirks not taking her eyes off Gaston. "Instinct to kill my pet? Huh? Well now I have the instinct to hurt you." She told him before snapped her fingers, a phone appeared in her hand and she called Zevon from his room. "Yes, in main hall near the dungeons. I have another lab rat for you. But this one really torture it." Mal hanged up with a smirk, in a puff of blue smoke Zevon appeared a look of pure sinister glee on his face.

Zevon had Gaston hand cuffed turned to Mal, Ginny just stood there and awaited orders. "Queen Mal, if I'm to have another lab rat may I have permission to switch him for Pinkette in the laboratory cell?" Zevon requested, Ginny looked suspiciously at Zevon 'Why ask to have Pinky let out? Gaston thrown in there with her, it would break her faster. Make her scared she and she would be sexually assaulted by him.' Ginny thought, Mal petted Josie, pondering it and eventually, much to Zevon's relief, agreed.

"But when they switch where will you keep your toy?" Mal asked, Zevon didn't need to think about it "My own chambers of course." He tried to keep a stern, sinister, smug look. "Fine but on one condition. I'm holding you responsible for any trouble she causes." Mal told him before she turned to leave, still petting Josie, Ginny followed Mal as she started to leave. Over her shoulder she told him "Oh, don't forget to sound proof your room for her torture." 'I wouldn't ever force anything on Sweet Rose, unless she asked for it.' Zevon grinned a real grin as Mal left.

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