The end.

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"I can't believe it's over" Lily said, tears in her eyes as we were about to re enter the boats to leave Hogwarts the same way as we entered it to become students.

"I know, it's incredible to think that we've been studying here for seven years and now we're going into the real world" I said sighing as I glanced over the castle. Yes, I was able to come and visit when I liked as my father was headmaster of the school, but this would be the last time I would enter the school as a student.

"Life is going to be so different without sharing a dorm with you girls" Marlene said sobbing into her hands as we clambered into a boat. Because there were so many of us, three of us had to go between three boats. That put me in a boat with Remus and Peter. James, Sirius and Verity, who was also joining us in the journey back, were all in another boat, and that left Marlene, Alice and Lily to the last boat.

"Well, it's not like we aren't going to see each other again, we've all been living together for too long to just forget about each other, we'll see each other outside of Hogwarts" Alice said, tears filling her eyes. I looked over to see a very uncomfortable Verity, as James and Sirius were arm in arm, swaying back and forth in the boat as they sang a sad tune.

"Guys, stop shaking the boat, poor Verity's going to fall overboard" I said, laughing through my tears as I watched Verity cling to the boat desperately.

"Oh, sorry Ver" Sirius said, continuing the swaying with James, but at a slower and less dramatic pace.

"Say goodbye" Lily said as we began to move. We all waved, Alice and Marlene crying into each other.

"Remember, this isn't the end, this is just the beginning" I said watching as the castle disappeared from view. Once we reached the end of the lake, we all clambered out of the boats and dragged our trunks onto the train.

"It was so long but so short at the same time" James said as he collapsed on the floor of the compartment.

"I know, but, no more school exams" Sirius said high fiving James as he celebrated, also sitting down on the floor now that we had too many people to sit on the chairs in the one compartment. I sat beside Remus and Lily, opposite me where Verity, Alice and Marlene, and against the compartment door sat Peter.

"Well, this is our final time on this train" I sighed.

"Noooo" Marlene said clinging onto the wall.

"Quit the dramatics Marl's, we're all sad but not that sad" Lily said smiling as she watched Marlene.

"I'll be as sad as I want" Marlene responded, folding her arms. I smiled fondly at my best friends.


"Goodbye all, try not to have too much fun at school when we aren't there" James yelled over the crowds of students getting off the train.

"WE'RE FREE" Sirius yelled throwing his hands up, accidently hitting James in the face with his left hand.

"Oi, watch it mate" James said rubbing his face.

"I'm going to miss you all" Lily said drawing us all into a tight hug.

"We won't be gone that long Lil's, just a few weeks to get set up, we'll come back soon" I said hugging her back. Remus and I were going to be travelling straight from the station to Romania where I was being given a home to live in whilst I worked there. We were going to be spending a week or two to set that up.

"Hogwarts won't ever be the same without us" Sirius said slinging his arms around all of us.

"Who knows, maybe someone will follow in your footsteps in the future" I said grinning at them both.

"And I will be cheering them on the entire way" James said punching the air before dragging me and Remus into a hug.

"I'll see you two in a bit yeah?" He said as he pulled away.

"No, we don't want to see you anymore" I said with a straight face before laughing at the fallen face of James, "I'm kidding prongs, of course you will"

"Don't do that to me" He pouted.

"Good luck with this one Lyl's" I said patting her on the back before hugging all my other friends.

"We'll see you all soon" I said smiling at them all before I grabbed Remus' hand and we apparated away, ready to start a new life outside of Hogwarts.


This is officially the end. Wow, I never expected when I started, (July 7th, 2016. Too long ago to be fair. I didn't even realise I had been writing that long, woah) that I would actually get to the end. Thank you to everyone who got through this massive book, and all my terrible writing, which hopefully got a little better towards the end. I will most like fix it up at a later point but if anyone wants another story about them after school, then I would be more than happy to oblige.

I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who read this book and actually got to this point, it means the world to me, especially seeing all the creative comments :)

Thank you once again, and until next time,


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