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"The boys have been acting very odd lately and they seem to be avoiding the topic when I bring it up" I explained to the three girls over breakfast a week after we had arrived. It was clear that every time I attempted to find out what was wrong everyone would become awkward and change the subject quickly.

That was why I was going to make a plan to find out what happened.

"Well, maybe it's something that's confidential for them, maybe they have been made to swear silence on the topic" Marlene suggested pushing her breakfast around on her plate.

"They wouldn't have had time, I only saw them talking about ten minutes after we had dinner" I said looking at her.

"Maybe it's something they don't want to tell you" Alice said with a shrug.

"B-but... they've never kept anything that hugely bothers them a secret from me, I know almost everything about them" I said quietly looking down at my now empty plate.

"Give it a little more time, if they don't say anything then you have every right to be angry at them" Marlene said smiling sympathetically at me.

"Well, rather then me being angry at them for not telling me, i'll just be angry at them for whatever they haven't told me when I find out for myself" I said with determination.

"What have you got planned?" Lily asked with a warning tone to her voice.

"Oh, i'll just listen into their conversation" I said simply.

"That's an invasion of space Ali" Lily scolded looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Well, I could just read their minds and get the answers, that would be much easier" I said smirking at Lily as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Fine, but don't come whining to me when they catch you listening in and get angry at you, i'm not involved in this in anyway" She said crossing her arms.

"I just feel like they don't trust me all that much anymore, I know so much about them all that I wouldn't mention to anyone but it's like, all of a sudden they are keeping something from me that's important and that I could help with" I said quietly.

"Hey, don't think about it too much, i'm sure they trust you, they just might not know what to do in this situation" Marlene said patting me reassuringly on the back.

"Thanks Marls" I said smiling warmly at her.

"Well girls, it's time for class, come on" Lily said standing up and stepping over the chair. We all followed her from the hall as Marlene complained that potions was her least favourite class.

"But really, why should we need to do it" She complained.

"Because, if you want to become a decent auror you need to know how to brew a basic potion" Lily replied rolling her eyes.

"Remind me why I thought being an auror would be a good job again?" She asked dragging her feet along the ground on the way towards the dungeons.

"Because you said you wanted to fight all the bad people" Alice said giving Marlene a look.

"Then why do I need to do potions to fight bad people" She said returning the look.

"Because you need to know different poisons used by the bad people and you need to be able to make things to aid you in your fights" I added (I don't actually know if this is true, but it is now).

"Ugh, fine" She groaned standing by the door of the dungeons.

"Look who decided to turn up" I said rolling my eyes as the four boys dragged themselves towards the door. They all had bloodshot eyes aside from Remus. Peter seemed to have the worst ones of all as he continuously looked around nervously like he had been doing since I had seen him again in the holidays.

"Mornin'" Sirius replied yawning.

"Good morning to you to Sirius, I see you had an excellent sleep last night" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as he nodded sleepily closing his eyes and leaning against the wall.

"Why are you guys even stressing" I said springing the question on them again in the hopes of catching them off guard and getting the question out of them.

"N-no reason" James said for Sirius as he averted eye contact.

"Anyway, i'm excited for class, aren't you" Sirius said laughing fakely as he looked above my head instead of in the eye.

"Really excited" I said, my voice coming out slightly sharper then I had anticipated. I began to become slightly angry. Why couldn't they tell me? Did they really not trust me anymore? Before anyone could respond the door was opened to reveal Professor Slughorn.

"Come in class" He said ushering everyone inside. I sat beside the girls two rows in front of Sirius, James, Peter and Remus.

"Woah there Ali, calm down" Alice said rubbing my back in comfort.

"Am I really not trustworthy?" I questioned looking her in the eyes. She shook her head gently.

"Your very trustworthy Ali, they just have some things to sort out" She said smiling at me before we both focused on the lesson at hand. I couldn't stop the tugging feeling in the back of my mind though. 'They really don't trust me'


Sirius P.O.V

As much as I wanted to tell Alice about it I couldn't. It scared me how she would react. I mean, I was related to him so who wasn't to say I would turn out like him as well.

'I will never turn out like him' I thought to myself angrily. It was foul that he even thought like that and I couldn't even imagine thinking about and seeing the world like he did.

"Are you thinking about it again?" James questioned moving to sit beside me on my bed.

"Yeah" I sighed, "I just can't help but feel like what if I suddenly change and begin thinking like them to" I said looking up and eyeing James who shock his head angrily.

"You will never turn out like that, just because your brother pleased your parents and joined doesn't mean that you will join, you hate your parents anyway so what would you gain by joining? Love? Support? It's horrible that just to get the love and support from your parents your brother had to join and I couldn't even imagine you doing the same" James said patting me lightly on the back.

"Is it bad that i'm worried for him?" I asked. It was true. I had stayed up all night worrying about my brothers safety. Even though it didn't seem like it I knew that he was pretty fragile and I was terrified of what the dark lord would do to him.

"Even after all he's down, he is still your brother, so even though you may hate him, you will always still be slightly worried because you have grown up together" James said. It was funny how serious he could be when he had to be. I nodded slightly at his statement.

"We can't control this, so there is nothing we can do" James said looking at me. I nodded, a weight lifted from my chest.


Alice P.O.V

I heard everything and it broke my heart to know they couldn't tell me this.

'I could have helped' I thought bitterly as I ran to my room and engulfed myself in my covers. I cried knowing that I had officially lost their trust completely.

I didn't even mean to hear it, I was actually going into their dorm to ask them myself and hope they gave me answers. But I didn't need to do that anymore, the answers had already revealed themselves.

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