Stupid colds

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The day after I had somehow found myself dropped into the Black lake twice Lily woke me up and I immediately went into a coughing fit with a mad headache. I groaned out loud in the worst mood to be going to class.

"Are you okay Ali?" Lily asked with a concerned face placing a hand to my forehead. "No you are not, you feel like a desert, we're taking you to the hospital wing" She said.

"No" I said quickly, my voice coming out so quiet I thought no one would be able to hear me.

"No offence but you look and sound terrible, you can't just do nothing" Lily said attempting to get me to stand but failing when I hooked myself to the bed with my feet and spare hand.

"I'm not going to the hospital wing" I persisted crossing my arms.

"But you're sick, you need to get help" Lily said also crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows at me.

"Nope, I refuse" I said curling into a ball and hiding under my blankets.

"Well fine then, suit yourself" Lily said striding from the room closely followed by Alice and Marlene. I stayed silent under my covers until the door opened again.

"I'm not going to the hospital wing Lil's" I said, my voice already quiet but now also muffled by the covers.

"Well, you will be if I can help it" McGonagall's voice said making me groan as the covers were lifted from me and I looked to see her standing over me.

"I'm not going Minnie" I said frowning angrily.

"We'll need more help, if you girls can go and get Professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey please" She said.

"Nooooooo, don't get Dad" I pleaded but the girls were already out of the room.

"You need medical help Ali, listen to how sick you are" McGonagall exclaimed. I shook my head furiously making my headache worse. I clutched my head in pain.

"I'm fine, i'm all good" I said putting on a strained smile making McGonagall roll her eyes.

"They should be here any minute" She said before the door was once again flung open to reveal Madam Pomfrey.

"I refuse to go downstairs and talk to dad, all he'll do is force me to get medical help that I don't want" I said curling myself back up into a tight ball.

"You don't want me to have to use magic again do you" Madam Pomfrey asked raising her eyebrows.

"You can't use magic on me, i'm untitled to my own opinion" I said.

"But, i'm the nurse and it says I can use whatever means of magic I need to use to make sure my patient is in a safe condition and isn't left untreated" Madam Pomfrey said making me huff in frustration knowing she had won the argument.

"Fine, i'll go with you, but only if you can give me the medicine and than I can return to my dorm room" I exclaimed, my voice becoming even raspier the more I talked.

"I'll agree as long as you come to me if you're feeling worse" Madam Pomfrey said adding more to the deal.

"Fine" I huffed making myself cough violently again. I stood up, my legs nearly giving way and my head pounding more and more violently. McGonagall and Pomfrey both grabbed my arms to assist me walking as they both knew what had happened last time I was sick and had to walk to the hospital wing.


"Alice, I know you're sick, come on, let's get you to the hospital wing" McGonagall said after Dad had to get her and Madam Pomfrey up to his office just to get me to cooperate. I stood up and walked down the stairs before my headache became drastically worse and my legs gave way causing me to fall down the rest of the stairs.

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