More weird times with the boys

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Alice P.O.V

Nothing eventful had happened through the last month. I had spent one more full moon with the girls who fortunately hadn't left me when they experienced my werewolf form. They were in fact being extra nice after every full moon now that they knew what I went through.

"Here you are Ali, and for you to Remus" Lily said one morning after a full moon. She brought in two cups of hot chocolate and placed them beside our beds.

"Thanks Lily" Remus responded propping himself up.

"Yeah, thanks heaps Lil's, you better go and eat yourself though, unless you already have, then the company would be welcomed" I said smiling at her. She looked fairly tired from the tough night. The moon was once again worse then usual and I was apparently pretty insane.

"I haven't eaten, sorry you two, but I did promise Marls that i'd meet her for class, A's by herself in class this morning" Lily said waving and running from the wing.

"That was very nice, I needed that today, the moon last night was not good on me" Remus said picking up the hot drink. I picked mine up to and laid back against the pillows.

"True, it was not good on me either" I sighed. It was nice that all my friends were trying to understand werewolves as much as they could but it still felt great to have a friend to talk to that experienced the same pain and knew exactly what I was talking about. That was one thing that drew me closer to Remus.

"MY BUDDIES ARE HURT, THEY'RE DOWN IN THE DIRT, I'LL MAKE THEM FEEL BETTER, WITH A SONG AND THIS LETTER" Sirius' shrill voice sounded through the hospital wing. I sighed flopping back into my bed just as the door flew open nearly breaking off it's hinges.

"Sirius, what a surprise, I didn't expect a visit from you, you gave me such a fright" I said with sarcasm. Sirius jumped onto my bed and sat down crossing his legs underneath him. He threw a letter at my face and I grabbed it quickly with the skills of a seeker. Remus however got it straight to the face.

"That was nice" I smirked. Sirius rolled his eyes and gestured to the letter urging me to open it. "Calm down Padfoot, you don't have to be so impatient" I said opening the letter.

To Alice Dumbledore,

We were wondering if you wanted to come to ours this Christmas. We would be happy to take you to the castle on Christmas day to see your father and the teachers and friends (if any are staying for the Christmas holidays).

Your completely welcome to our house. The boys would sure love you company and it would do to have another girl in the house instead of just myself and five boys.


Euphemia Potter

I looked up at Sirius with a wide grin.

"This is going to be one hell of a holiday" I exclaimed propping myself back up in the bed.

"Well, of course it is, you're going to be in a house with Sirius and James" Remus said rolling his eyes.

"Well your nice aren't you Moony, i'll have you know James and I are going to be better behaved this year" Sirius said raising his head.

"Oh, so you're not going to pull any pranks, run around screaming, run off and not tell anyone, mess up..." Remus began to list but he was cut off by Sirius,

"Fine, we might be a tiny bit better than last year" He huffed. I smirked as did Remus as we looked to Sirius who was pouting. "Well, i'm going to leave you two as you seem to be bullying me, bye" Sirius yelled sprinting from the hospital wing.

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