Just a filler

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The boys had slightly made it up by bringing me dinner too and bringing me breakfast lunch and dinner the next day when I still found myself unable to go to classes.

I could tell the slightly forced kindness the boys had around me when they visited due to the minimal arguments between James and Sirius. It made me laugh seeing how quiet they all were when someone said something they would usually find insulting.

My current goal was to make Sirius break. And it was going very well.

"I mean, take a look at ol' Sirius here" I said gesturing to Sirius after winking at Remus who had caught onto my plan. James still wore his usual smirk and Peter looked confused, glancing between Remus and I as he was half way to figuring it out but hadn't quite caught on yet.

"I have to say, your hair's looking brilliant today Padfoot" I said laughing slightly as Remus raised his eyebrows as though asking if that was all I had.

"And your uniform, it's looking a whole lot neater than usual" I said grimacing slightly. He currently sat down with his robes hanging half of his shoulders. His tie was tying his hair up today, something I had assumed had come from James usual morning argument where he complained that if Sirius was going to even bother with the tie than he should as least do something beneficial for himself with it. That always pushed Sirius over the edge.

"It also seems James won the argument this morning" I said smirking as Sirius turned red in the face trying his hardest not to fight against me. You could tell he knew my plan.

"And..." I didn't get to continue as Sirius interrupted me.

"Fine, I give up" He said throwing his hands into the air, "You got me, and for your information my hair looks great everyday, my uniform is great everyday and James did not win the argument" He said crossing his arms and eyeing James. I just high fived Remus as Peter caught onto the plan.

"I have achieved my daily goal" I said smiling to myself.

"Since when has your goal been to annoy Sirius?" Peter said scrunching his nose up in confusion.

"Since today. My daily goal tends to change a whole lot" I said smiling at Peter before turning back to Sirius who was still pouting at me and continuously looking towards James. We sat in silence for several minutes before James growled making everyone turn to him.

"Quit eyeing me Padfoot, it's really annoying" He said as Sirius unfolded his arms turning around on the spot until he was sitting straight forward watching James.

"You didn't win the argument" He said frowning.

"Oh, I so did, you ended up using your tie for a better purpose and not just placing around your arm, head and leg" James said angrily and I glanced to Remus and Peter laughing silently. The best form of entertainment came from watching Sirius and James bicker back and forth for the most pointless reasons.

"But I don't want to constrict my hair, class is so much more interesting when you can't see the teachers" Sirius said making me cover my mouth the stay quiet. Sirius was raising the anger bar more but not raising his voice past a loud speaking voice. Something well known about Sirius was that he hated yelling and loud noises. I had my camera ready to take a photo at the best moment.

"Well it's not fun in class when your name is called and you flip your head around hitting me with your hair" James said blowing a stray piece of his own hair, which was at a fairly long length, from his face.

"You can speak, your hair is damn annoying to" Sirius exclaimed.

"I'm getting it cut in a week" James defended running a hand through his hair, a familiar practice for him. Sirius just rolled his eyes.

"Don't be a hypocrite Jamsie" Sirius said ruffling James' hair making James slap Sirius' hand away playfully.

"Honestly you two, is fighting the only thing you ever do" I exclaimed. Sirius purposefully flipped his head around aggressively making the tie fly from his hair causing a large amount of hair to hit James in the face as well as the Gryffindor coloured tie. I took a photo at that exact point in time hiding my laughter. James spat Sirius' hair out as he was once again, ignored.

"No" Sirius said shortly.

"We do a lot more" James said smirking.

"Like Criticising each other"

"And forcing each other to do dangerous things"

"And annoying each other"

"And Pranking each other and other people together"


"I think we get the point" Remus said cutting Sirius off. "Would you agree Pete" He added.

"Ye-yeah" Peter said shaking his head, clearly interrupted from his thoughts. I stared at James and Sirius to see them smirking at each other.

"You boys are so un-predictive, you know that right?" I questioned making both James and Sirius nod their heads. "I mean, you can't keep one emotion for longer than five seconds"

"We can" They said together both folding their arms in sync like identical twins and sporting the same looking pout. I let three seconds pass before they began twitching and fidgeting in their spots. James' arms fell to his side quickly and Sirius' just after.

"My point proven" I smirked.

"Well at least we're nice and forgiving people" Sirius retaliated.

"That's not the best in all situations Padfoot, it can be good to be able to hold grudges in some circumstances" I said raising my eyebrows.

"Since when has a grudge been a good thing" Sirius said looking at James with a confused look.

"Take Lily for example" James perk up making me stifle a laugh. "Lily can hold extraordinary grudges and anyone on the opposite side of her grudge has eventually come out as better friends with her, minus Snape" I said smiling at Sirius who still looked extremely confused.

"She's saying grudges give friends some much needed space for a but before they leave all their problems behind" Remus said making Sirius and James even more confused.

"You know what. I'm not even going to try" I said putting my hands up in defeat and turning back to Remus and Peter who seemed to actually know what was going on. "Two out of four isn't bad"

"You're right about that" Peter said smiling. I nodded in thanks.

"You know what, i'm getting kinda tired, help me up" I said stretching my arms out and letting Remus, who was already standing, pull me up. Peter jumped up to and we walked off to my dorm leaving James and Sirius to try and figure out what we meant.

"Well, i'm going to sleep before the girls come and drag me down to Madam Pomfrey for a checkup" I said rolling my eyes and beginning the trek up the girls staircase. Once I was at my dorm room I collapsed onto my bed falling asleep quickly.

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