"Alright. I'm so hungry though." I whined

"Dairy Queen?" Dallas suggested

Oh my god, Dairy Queen sounded heavenly. "Yes please." I answered

We went to Dairy Queen and I ate 2 burgers, fries, and a shake. I even surprised myself. "Holy hell, have you been starving yourself?" Dallas asked

I shrugged, "Everything just tastes so good right now."

"You know maybe because you've been eating so much recently your body can't take it. Maybe that's why you're so sick everyday." Dallas said as he took a sip of his drink

I sighed, Dallas wasn't a very bright one. But I needed to know for sure before I can tell him the real reason I'm sick.


Days felt like weeks. They said they would let me know soon, it is way past soon. Almost a whole week since I've seen the doctor, all I'm asking for is a solid answer.

I could hardly get out of bed this morning, I felt like such utter crap that I had Dallas go to the Curtis' and tell them I needed a day off.  Dallas is really concerned about me, he doesn't understand. I keep telling him I'm okay but he insists on staying with me while I'm at home. He even checks up on me at the DX, making sure I don't eat all the chocolate bars in the shop.

"How are you feeling?" Dallas asked as he sat next to me on the bed

"Okay..." I sighed, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, anything." Dallas answered

"Can you get me some sprite at the store or something? And maybe a few pain killers? This headache is driving me nuts..." I explained

Dallas nodded and stood up, "I'll be back. You should have a smoke, it'll help with that headache."

I wish he didn't say that, a smoke sounded amazing. "We'll see." I said

"I'll be back." Dallas said as he left for the store

I sat alone, staring at the wall. The sun was still out, I had no stars to look at. I read all the books we had at least twice, there weren't many. I had listened to that Rolling Stones record so many times I'm starting to hate the music. All there was left to do was lay there and stare at the wall.

I looked over at my nightstand, there sat the white envelope Sodapop gave me. I hadn't had the courage to open it, I didn't even want to think about my family. Or anything outside of Tulsa for that matter.

I haven't heard from Ian since, nor have I made effort to keep in contact with him. But as I said I had nothing to do, and reading one letter from near months ago couldn't hurt.

I reached over and opened the envelope, pulling out a piece of paper inside. I read it to myself, but I could hear his voice.

Dear Ivy,
           I'm sorry. I came here to make sure you were okay, instead I pushed you away. I shouldn't have said the things I did, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Mom and Dad really do miss you though, they've both cried about it many times. Mom says she just wants you back, you were the only thing keeping her sane. Dad says he's sorry for all he's done, but last I heard mom might be getting a divorce. She blames him for your disappearance, and I didn't understand why until you told me what he did all those years. You should have told me, I could have helped. But I guess that doesn't matter, because when you finally did I lashed out in ways I shouldn't have. I'm going to give this to your coworker at that gas station, hopefully he won't be nosy and read it for himself. Hopefully this letter gets to you one way or another, I don't want things to end like this between us. I love you Ivy, we all do. I'm really sorry for all the things I said, I was just frustrated for all the time I've been worried sick about you. Write back if you want to, if you don't I understand. Just know I still care.

- Ian

My heart hurt as I read the letter, it's been hurting since my encounter with Ian. I missed him so much, it broke me just to hear him cuss me out like dad used to. I can't believe mom is actually getting a divorce because of me. Maybe she really did care about what I went through, it only took me to disappear for her to open her eyes.

As I was loathing in the note, the phone started ringing in the kitchen. I shot up, I've been frantic with the phone since the doctor's visit. Everytime I picked up the phone it disappointed me, but I still had hope everytime it rang. I grabbed the phone and held it to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Lewis?"

"Yes." I spoke fast, "That's me."

"Your tests came back."

I waited, my breathing heavy. This was it. This is what I've been waiting for for days. "And?" I asked. She only replied with one word, one single word that made me burst into tears of joy.


1284 words

If you don't know by now, well you're about as bright as Dallas

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If you don't know by now, well you're about as bright as Dallas. Shit gets real guys, buckle up.
- Mahal

Perspective《Dallas Winston》Where stories live. Discover now