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Towards The Light by Jacoo

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Towards The Light by Jacoo

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I spent time with the boys and learned a lot about them. They learned a lot about me too, but not as much as Dallas already knows. I love these guys, I really do. This was the exact thing I needed to remind me that moving away from Ohio was the right thing to do, that this was a new start. No one was this hospitable to me in Ohio my whole life, turns out I just had to move a few states away to find my people.

We all walked down to the drive in, which was a fun time in itself. If I had a favorite it would probably be Two-Bit, his humor is something I aspire to have. Ponyboy and Johnny are quiet, but sweet. I feel me and Sodapop are almost best friends at this point, from the fact that he's so welcoming and I did pin him to the ground in his own house. He's a really charming and great guy, it sucks to figure out he was done so bad by a girl who didn't know what blessing she had. I've never even met Sandy but now I've got an urge to knock her lights out.

Darry still intimidated me, but at least I know I'm not on his bad side. Steve is great too, and I can tell he and Soda are inseparable. They work at the DX together, and have been best friends since grade school. I'll make sure to keep my healthy distance from Sodapop for Steve's sake, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to steal anyone from anybody.

Right as we were walking into the drive in Dallas pulled up in his T-Bird, showing it off to announce he had arrived. "Get in!" He said

We all got in the car, cramming into the ride as Dallas went to find a place to park. He parked illegally so we could get a good view of the movie, but I mean hey it only matters if someone catches you.

Pony, Johnny, and Two-Bit went to go get snacks for everyone and came back with more than we could ask for. Not even 10 minutes into the movie and we already littered the car and ground with all kinds of popcorn and soda, having mini food fights to ourselves. What else are you supposed to do when you have more food than you can handle?

We had multiple people scream at us to quiet down or move the car, which we didn't pay any attention to. Except when a worker approached us and told us to quiet down or leave, so we tried to behave ourselves. This was the first time I actually looked at the screen to see what the movie was about. It was one of those boring horror movies with no plot, just a random woman screaming occasionally at some kind of cheap puppet animation of something thats supposed to resemble some sort of monster. It was a lot more fun to throw snacks at each other and cause a scene.

"How was hanging out with Tim and Curly?" Steve asked

"Made some bets, got $200." Dallas smirked

The boys congratulated Dally on his earnings, patting him on the back. Dallas was sitting in the driver's seat, Johnny in the passenger's. Sodapop was sitting in the left backseat, making sure to steer clear of anyone's dangling feet. Darry was in the far right backseat, also watching out for our legs. Me, Ponyboy, Steve, and Two-Bit were sitting on the back of the car letting our feet either hang off the edge of the car or in the middle backseat depending on where you were sitting. I sat between Ponyboy and Two-Bit, Steve and Pony sitting on the ends of the car. It was a tight fit, but it was comfortable.

"Got any plans of what to do with that money?" Two-Bit asked

Dallas shook his head, "Not anything for certain. Maybe place more bets." He joked

"Don't spend it all in one place." Darry joked

"Anyone have popcorn that's not on the floor?" I asked

"Here." Johnny said as he handed me a half full bag of popcorn

I grabbed it, "Thank you."

I ate some of the popcorn, letting Two-Bit steal some in the meantime. "Hey Ivy, do you have a job?" Sodapop asked me

I shook my head, "No. I haven't looked for one but if I'm going to support myself I should probably start."

"You should work at the DX with me and Steve." Sodapop suggested

"I was about to say the same." Steve added

I was shocked by the offer, "R-Really?"

"Yeah, I pump gas, Steve fixes cars, and you can work the inside register." Sodapop said

"We need someone else on the job anyways." Steve agreed

"Are you serious?" I smiled giddily

"You might have to wear a mens shirt but, we're ready for work when you are." Sodapop confirmed

I was nearly speechless I was so happy, "I-I can't thank you enough."

"Anything for Poison." Steve joked

"Welcome to the family, Poison Ivy." Sodapop said as he took his hat off his head and placed it on mine

"You're officially one of the gang." Darry said as he pat my knee and gave me a smile

Saying I was happy was an understatement. I have never been this happy in my life. In my own family I felt unwanted, unloved. Someone they just wished was gone and ridded of. I had just met these guys in this brand new town and they accepted me as not only a newcomer, but as a member of their gang. All the guys were smiling and welcoming me into the gang in their own way, I looked over at Dallas and he smiled brighter than I've ever seen him smile. I returned the favor, I could feel my eyes glimmer with joy.

Never did I feel this amount of love from my family in the time I've lived for coming up 18 years, but its been 3 days and my heart is full. I didn't just find my people, but I found my family. I was now Poison Ivy from Tulsa Oklahoma.

1041 words

Sorry if this seems to be moving fast, because in reality Ivy has only been in Tulsa for 3 days lol

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Sorry if this seems to be moving fast, because in reality Ivy has only been in Tulsa for 3 days lol. Feels like longer though. PS fun fact if you guys didn't know, the scene where Dally falls off his chair in the movie was unscripted, but I am so happy they kept it in the movie. Its one of my favorite moments.
- Mahal

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