Prologue: Jack's journals/Opening fan credits

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A/N: hello readers and YouTube fans! Welcome to book two of the Youtube Knights Universe series and Jack's first solo story. This is my own take on the YTCU created by Draw with Jazza and this story will be the continuation of this series. It's gonna have Jack, some of his friends with Anti and a few other known foes and I think all of you are gonna love it. So thankyou all so much for reading, please comment below, vote, follow, and enjoy. Let's do this.

Jack's journal: Oct. 15, 2010:

It's currently 3:00 a.m. and I'm sitting alone in my room. I can't sleep, and I haven't been able to since coming back to my family's cabin. It feels just like what it used to be when I was kid, constantly having this feeling like there's something in here that wants to kill me. I spent my nights only pretending to sleep, because I'm too scared to actually sleep, or even move at that matter. I can't help but get this feeling that I need to get out, because if I stay here then I will die and there's nothing anybody can do about it. I don't know why any of this is happening again, or how it's even possible, but I need to find a way to put an end to this. I need t



Jacksepticeye's journal: April 12, 2012:

I had another nightmare last night, it was the night of the attack again. I've been having those basically every other night lately and it fukin sux. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, I need to find this Antiseptic and fast. I've been bouncing around the U.K. for the past year trying to find him. There's hardly a second that goes by when I don't think about him, what he's done, and know that I must stop him before he can do this to someone else. I fear that whatever it is he's trying to accomplish, it won't be long before he does and it makes me worry I won't get to him in time. Ken, the demon hunter who told me about him, had said to me that I can't fight him with vengeance and anger in my heart, only love and compassion and faith and all that other stuff. I've tried to make myself believe that I'm not doing this for revenge, that I'm doing this much greater, selfless reasons. But every time I think about it, I can't help but feel as if that may not be the case. To be honest, I really couldn't say. But all I do know is that I am alive, somehow, and by some miracle, I am alive. Not only that, but fate has granted me these special gifts. With it, an opportunity and a responsibility. The opportunity to do something about it, make things right and do some good. And the responsibility to use them to the best of my ability to make a better, safer world. Most importantly, I need to keep pushing forward and not quit. I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now if I ever gave up and I won't start now. It's taken me a long time, but I know it's paying off, because I'm getting close. Tomorrow I'm going to be back in my home town with some people I'm really close to and see if maybe any can even help me. Whatever happens from here on out, it all or nothing, all heart, all the way.

Wattpad pictures presents:

An association with YouTubeRed

A Jazza studios production

A film by J.J. Abrams

Sean McLoughlin

Signe Hansen

Robin Torkar

and Felix Kjellberg

Music by Danny Elfman

Edited by Robin Torkar

Executive producers: Mark Fischbach, Felix Kjellberg, Josiah Alan Brooks

Produced by J.J. Abrams, Tim Burton, Sean McLoughlin and Ryan Reynolds

Written by J.J. Abrams, Kevin Smith and Sean McLoughlin

Directed by J.J. Abrams

Jack: Journey of the Septiceye {2}Where stories live. Discover now