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"The amount of losses and the shame you put in this guild is something we all cannot forgive you about. You put us through hell. Being teased because of all the losses you decided to give us, and the shame you put in our guild name. I have no choice but you permanently take you out of our guild hall. Goodbye Lucy Heartfilia."

Lucys POV.
I shot awake. *sigh* good thing it was only a dream. I was dreaming that I was being kicked out from the guild. All my friends.. hated me. But! It was all a dream! Nothing like that would happen in real life. Right?

I got up and I stretched. I slowly walked into my bathroom, and I took a nice long shower. I brush my teeth, and dry my hair. I walk to my bedroom and I get into my closet.

"What to wear.. what to wear.. ah! This!" I say to myself.

I pick out a casual outfit. I eat a small breakfast and I walk out of the house feeling refreshed. It takes a lil bit, but I manage to make it to the guild. By my side, is Plue. That adorable snowman. I smile.

I walk into the guild.

"Hey Lu-Chan!" My amazing friend Levy calls out to greet me.

Levy runs up to me and give me a tight hug. And as soon as she does, I hug her back. Then I hear a familiar voice call out as well.

"Aye Luce!" My bestfriend Natsu calls out.

Levy lets go of me. "Hey Levy-Chan! Heya Natsu!" I say smiling. "Oh! And hi Erza and Gray!"

"Hey Lucy." "Hello." Gray and Erza greet.

Natsus POV.
There she is! My bestfriend! I call out to her and I greet her. She still has that adorable smile perched up on her face. I run up to her, and I wrap my arm around her.

All of a sudden, I see gramps up on the second floor. Then, he starts talking.

"May I have everyone's attention please?" Gramps shouts.

Everyone looks up at him.

"You all may not know, but it's hat time of the year again. The Grand Magic Games!"

Everyone cheers.

"I will be selecting a team to have participate in the games! All of you, begin training, and we will see who will be participating this year work hard, and I hope you all know, that The Fairy Tail guild is #1!" Gramps preaches.

Everyone cheers.. again.

"Aye Luce! Let's round up the team and begin training! Hear that guys? Let's go!" Natsu says.

"You know I'm not deaf, Flamebrain." Gray says.

"Are you tryna pick a fight with me ice princess?!" I shout as I get in his face.

"What if I am?! What are YOU gonna do about it huh?!" Gray shouts.

Then, me and Gray starts fighting again.

Time skip~ At the beach.

Lucy's POV.
My spirits are training me. Capricorn is helping me train. I'm in that meditation pose, while sitting there on the sand.

Over on the right, I see Natsu and Happy training together.

"ONE TWO ONE TWO!" Happy shouts.

Natsu is carrying a huge freaking bolder on his back and is jumping as many times as he can. Haha. Happy is so pushy.


See what I mean?

Anyways, I finish my training with Capricorn. Then, I do my next spirit, Virgo. I'm taking my time with each spirit so I can get strong!

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