Please be okay??

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Ast Pov

We got to the hospital and Lauren was wheeled into a room. I stood there in shock. There where doctors all around her shouting things at other nurses and they would scurry off. I sat in the waiting room for half a hour and no one had came out to say she is alright! I was getting worried so I decided to ring Marv he if like a big brother to me he helps me through tough times like this.

"Hey Marv, erm can you come to the hospital please"

"Yeah sure Ast what's up"

" I'll explain when you get here, just please hurry."

"Yeah sure be there in 10 mins Ast stay calm"

And with that the phone call ended.

Marv came in 10 mins later.

"Ast what's happened?"

"There was a fire at mine and we couldn't find the keys, Lauren fainted so I picked her up and managed to kick the door open! I'm scared Marv what if she had inhaled to much smoke? I carnt live without her Marv"

"It's okay Ast don't think like that, she is a fighter she can get through this"

After Marv eventually managed to calm me down the doctor came out.

"Is she okay" I blurted out.

"Well Mr Merrygold she inhaled a lot of smoke and should be In a coma for 2 weeks"

I took this in and asked if I could go and see her. yeah try and talk to her she may be able to hear you. the doctor said and I walked into Lauren's room.

She looked life less lying there. I sat on the chair next to her bed and hold her hand.

"Please Lauren you have to wake up, for me, I don't know what I will so with out you.

I love you Lauren.

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