Going Home

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We grabbed Lauren's belongings and left the hospital. I told Lauren she can stay at my house for as long as she likes.

We got back to mine and she needed her clothes so I went with her just in case. the place was still wrecked but I said we will call the police in the morning then start cleaning up tomo, so she grabbed some clothes as she was looking through her clothes I saw a picture of me and Lauren when we where younger smashed on the floor, I picked it up and put it back on the side. we went back round mine after she locked up and we just chilled on the sofa watching a film that's when I remembered we have had no dinner so I asked Lauren to see if she wants to order nandos and she did. I grabbed my phone and ordered nandos.

There was a knock at the door, Lauren jumped a little.

"Ill get it, it's probably only nandos" she just nodded an got up and answered the door. it was only nandos so I paid him and dished up dinner and brought it into Lauren. we ate nandos and laughed about all the memorise we has when we where younger. I looked and the clock and it was 1:04am. I told Lauren we should go to bed as I had work in the morning we both put our plates on the side and walked up stairs.

"Lauren ... you can stop in my room if you like?" I asked her as she was about to go into the spare bedroom. she agreed and came into my room and we both fell straight to sleep!

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