Will she be okay!

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Astons Pov

It felt like I had been sitting there for hours! when the doctor came out!

I jumped out of my seat with red puffy eyes from crying.

"IS SHE OKAY?" I asked

"Well she had quit a hit on the head but she is abit confused and should wake up half a hour to 1 hour." The doctor said.

I sighed with relief.

"Can I go and see her?"

"Sure I will come back in about half a hour to see how she is doing if there is any problem shout me." he said as he game me a reassuring look.

"Thank you" I said walking in Lauren's room where she looked so peaceful.

It had been half a hour and Lauren still hasn't woke up. I started get worried, the doctor came in to check on her and said there was no problem and went again. I squeezed Lauren's hand "please wake up, I need you, I love you." as I finished of my sentence I felt a squeeze on my hand I looked up and her eyes flickered.

"Lauren " I said

"Er Ast"

"OMG Lauren your awake"

"Ast what happened?" she asked confused

"Well I put the shopping away while you went round yours to get some clothes, I heard you scream and saw a man run of, I sprinted in your house and it was trashed so I ran upstairs and you where lying on the floor with blood coming from your head I called a ambulance." I said quietly with years in my eyes.

"Oh, my head hurts Ast" she replied rubbing her head.

"Ill go and get the doctor, 1 sec" I said standing up.

"Thanks..... Ast"

"Yeah" I turned around as I was at the door.

"I love you" she smiled

"I love you too" I smiled back and went to get the doctor. The doctor came in and checked Lauren and said everything was okay so she could go home.

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