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"Hey, I think I should go back now. You wanna have dinner together first?" Rosé asked me.

"Oh really? That went fast. But sure, I'd love to." I gave her a smile and took my wallet, placing it in my pocket and also grabbing my phone. "So where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... I don't really know any restaurants nearby." She laughed. "Why don't you decide?"

"If so, then let's go to Mingles." The moment I said that, her jaw dropped.

"Mingles? Isn't that place really expensive? Don't spend your money on me Taeyong."

"I don't mind spending my money on you." A blush coated her cheeks.

"Fine, let's go then." Rosé grabbed her bag and placed it on the car floor as soon as she went in. I took my jacket which was hanging on the coat hanger and walked to the car to start it. Once it warmed up, I drove to the restaurant (which wasn't very far) with soft instrumental music playing in the background.

When we arrived, we both got out of the car. As she got out, I extended my hand out to her with a grin on my face. She shyly places hers in mine and looked down. She looked up again as we started walking, crossing the quiet road to the restaurant.

I opened the glass door and ushered her in because it was getting a bit chilly outside, and closed the door when I went in.

"Reservation?" The waitress asked.

"Lee Taeyong," I replied and she checked the bookings.

"Ah yes, Mr. Lee. Please follow me to your table." She kindly smiled at us and took out menus, leading us to a more private area with a few rooms. She led us to one room and slid open the door, setting the menus in front of the two seats. I thanked the waitress and pulled out a chair for Rosé.

She giggled with a pink tint on her cheeks and sat down, thanking me. I winked at her.

Her smile was the most precious thing I've ever seen.
I smiled when he winked because this was probably the nicest thing a guy has ever done to me.

"How'd you get a reservation here so quickly?" I asked curiously.

"I know people," he shrugged. Of course he knew people. He was the Lee Taeyong for heavens sake! One of the kings of the business world and one of the many faces of the modelling world. And I... wasn't anything close to that.

Which got me thinking, he definitely deserves someone better. I can't give him everything. I can't spend my whole life with him. I can't give him anything, and he would give me everything.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away. However, much to my disapproval, one dropped. I tried to quickly wipe it away but he was quicker. He saw.

"Rosé, baby, why're you crying?" Taeyong asked, stroking my cheek. More tears came down like a waterfall.

"I-I... I'm sorry! I..." I stuttered, hicupping.

"Hey, hey, shh... it's okay." He stood up and walked to me, bringing me onto his lap as he sat in my seat and I cried into the crook of his shoulder. He comfortingly stroked my back.

"I'm so sorry, I just... I can't give you everything but you- you're so... willing to turn the world upside-down just for me. You deserve so much more than me, you deserve someone who can grow old with you and have a family with you and-and I can't do that for you!" I cried, sobs wracking my thin frame.

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