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I grabbed a taxi since I didn't have a car. You're probably thinking,
'How does she get out of the hospital?' Well since the cancer hasn't gone to stage 4 yet, I can still go around as I long as I come back to the hospital (this probably isn't true but pls bear with thanks). Basically, my hospital room is now my new home,
Only thing is, I have yet to move in.
The taxi arrived at my mom's in 15 minutes. I took out the billed amount and paid the driver, thanking him while doing so. As soon as I got out and took my handbag out, he waved to me and drove off. I smiled to myself and walked up the stone steps and knocked on the door. I heard a pair of feet rushing to the door before opening.

"Rosé!" My mom beamed. "You're here! Please, come inside. You can look around and see if there's anything to change." I nodded and walked in, taking out my shoes and quickly ran upstairs to place my handbag in my room. After flinging it onto my bed and changing into a more comfortable outfit, I tied my hair up in a loose bun and went back downstairs. I looked at all the decorations placed neatly, the banners hanging on the walk like a wall pant. Everything seemed fine, all in their favourite colours and a big 'CONGRATULATIONS!' imprinted on some of the banners.

I walked to the kitchen to see the cake (or cakes). There was two, which I'm not surprised about. One for Chan, one for Jimin. Chan's one had a black icing surrounding the red, with the words 'Congratulations Chanyeol!!! Our Park Do-Bi,😘'. Jimin's one had a light blue icing with white mixed and the words 'Congratulations Jimin!!! Our cute Mochi 😘'. Both were really cute honestly.

"Everyone! Get into your hiding spots! Jimin and Chanyeol are coming soon!" My mom shouted and everyone rushed to their places. I didn't know where to go so I just ran up the stairs stayed up there. I heard the door creak open and three hushed voices. I recognised Chan's and Jimin's, but I felt like the third was familiar. But I didn't have long to think, as I heard my mom yell surprise and Chanyeol give a slight shout of surprise and Jimin yelping. I stifled a laugh and quietly went down the stairs. I managed to get down the stairs without them noticing as both their backs were facing me. Smirking, I poked both of them, probably hearing the loudest shriek I've ever heard from them. This time, I didn't bother stifling my laugh. Their reactions were priceless.
"Yah! Park Chaeyoung!" Chanyeol yelled. I gave them a knowing smile.

"That's my name, don't wear it out." I replied. Both of them just smiled at my reply and hugged me at the same time. I hugged both of them back.

"How are you? Uni treating you well?" Jimin asked. I nodded.

"Loads of homework but I can cope."

"I hope you can. Don't want my baby sister falling behind on her studies." Chan laughed. I lightly punched him on the shoulder. "You're studying business and music, right? Maybe a little bit of dance too... right?" I nodded and he smiled brightly again. "Great! I know someone who does business and dance too, just like you."

He dragged me to a slightly emptier area, where few people were. Amongst one of them, there stood a guy with black hair on his phone. Wait a second...

I've seen him before.
I was talking with Jimin and Chanyeol, after my meeting which was pretty short, bringing them to their celebration parties without them knowing, obviously. To them, we were just going to their parent's house. Right now, both were just talking about their little sister who they haven't seen in a long, long time. And by that they mean quite a few months.

"But don't you text or FaceTime her?" I asked.

"We do! It's just that it doesn't feel the same without seeing her in the flesh." Jimin said. Chanyeol nodded, agreeing with Jimin. I nodded.

"I think you and her would get along really well. She does business and dance, as well as music. Just like you." Chanyeol said. I said a 'really?' as a quick reply.

"We're here!" I said as we reached the gates of the house. The inside was dark with no lights on, the typical surprise. I smiled to myself a little as all three of us got out of my car and headed for the polished wooden doors. Grabbing on the door handle, I twisted it open and went inside, Jimin and Chanyeol closely following behind.

"Hm? Where's mom?" Chanyeol asked, a bit quiet.

"Probably out, I guess." Jimin said, equally as quiet.

"Maybe she's sleeping," I suggested. They shrugged and I quietly counted to three, and out came everyone from their hiding spots. Jimin let out a yelp as Chanyeol shouted out of surprise. I giggled a little bit at them, making both of them glare at me until they were both carried away by conversations wit others. I ended up going to a quieter area, on my phone checking some business things. Stocks and crypto currency stuff basically.

Around 20 minutes passed and from the corner of my eye, I saw Chanyeol bringing someone over. I didn't pay much attention at first, thinking he was going to someone else, but he ended up coming to me.

"Ah! Lee Taeyong, just the man I was looking for." He smiled. "This is my baby sister-"

"Yah! I'm not a baby!" She smacked him lightly on the head.

"Sorry, sorry." He apologised. "Anyways, this is my younger sister-" he looked to her and she gave him a nod of approval- "Park Chaeyoung, or you can just call her Rosé or Chaeyoung." She looks familiar, it's just that I can't remember...

"Ah, very nice to meet you." Rosé smiled. A sweet and beautiful voice, I've heard it before...

"It's nice to meet you too," I smiled back and stuck out my hand to her. She shook it and as cliché as it sounds, I felt sparks. Who is she?

"Rosé majors in business and music, but she loves dancing just as much. I figured you both would get along really, seeing as you both like and major in similar things." Chanyeol smiled again. "I'll let you two get to know each other." He shot me a wink.

Oh boy.


lmao sorry for the late update, i don't have my phone with me right now but i'll update through my ipad. i'll get my phone back in 1-2 weeks time so please be patient :) so here's a longer chapter for you all for waiting so patiently ^-^

last dance   ➵   pcy x lty [discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ