247 20 3

a/n: again, light swearing

"Wait so, the move should go like this...?" Taeyong said, gesturing to the move we agreed to do on the start of the song. I nodded.

"Yeah, that's right." I replied. "How long is dance?"

"2 hours. Break is in-between and after that both of us should have music. Or at least I do."

"I have music too." He nodded. We had a lot of the first part figured out, up until G-Dragon's rap. After his rap started, we were blank. We figured working one place at a time would he much easier and don't get me wrong, it is, but after hearing the whole song I've got ideas for other parts and so has he. Though we were keen on doing G-Dragon's rap part first.

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out already, I'm gonna be singing all of Taeyang's parts and Taeyong will be doing all of GD's. With him preferring to rap and me preferring to sing, it's quite obvious.

The bell rang after a few minutes, signalling it was break. I stretched and got out my purse, water bottle and phone and shoved my purse and phone into my pocket. Me being the nice person I am, when I was going to walk out I held open the door for Taeyong. He shot me a grateful smile and quickly took his things so that we could go and grab a snack.

We walked past the cafeteria and from the corner of my eyes I could see many girls staring at him from a distance with admiration and 'love' in their eyes. Some were more vocal about it, squealing about him right in front of us and others preferred to stay quieter, admiring from afar.

I can say I do have fanboys but they can't compare to the amount of girls that would probably die for him.

But what can you expect from Mr. Prince Charming himself?
I'm too prideful to admit that I do have a crush on Rosé. But yet I'm admitting it to you all.

And I am a bit possessive I guess. Rosé's fanboys were wolf-whistling at her, shooting her flirty winks and I can't help but want to punch them all to next year.

She's not even mine but why do I want to do all these things?
Luckily the café we planned to go to wasn't far from the Uni. It was about two blocks away and we didn't mind walking. The line wasn't very long either; but I guess we were just early.

I ordered a croissant for myself and Taeyong ordered just a plain bread. It didn't take very long, 5 minutes at most and we did pretty much gobble it down. We were hungry okay.

Seeing as we already paid at the counter we took our trash and threw it in the dustbin and left the tray at the counter. We walked out and went back to the dance room but we knew better than to go back and start dancing again. And there was at least 10 minutes more before class started again. So we opted for trying to sing and rap to the song.

Taeyong aced G-Dragon's rap quite easily and now the pressure fell on me to sing Taeyang's parts perfectly. He didn't put the pressure on me; I did. Thankfully I actually did pretty well.

The bell rang again and that signalled the 10 minutes were over. We immediately stood up and continued to try and make dance moves for the song and it was hard. We both needed some sort of inspiration for the choreography so we just watched the performances, how they performed and the atmosphere.

The year end awards is actually a competition. Teachers wouldn't call it one but everyone knows it is. If I'm not wrong, this year we're against Seo In Guk and Apink's Jung Eunji and that was pressuring. If we don't do well, they'll immediately snag all of their attention and hearts as far as I'm aware, we'll be second which means that our performance has to be at least 4x better than theirs. I can only pray we'll do well.

As we're watching the performances, we got some ideas. I managed to get an idea for the part we were stuck on, the start of Taeyang's part. Taeyong and I gave each other knowing looks and we immediately started talking about the ideas that came into our heads. Going over it a few times probably took about 20 minutes and we decided to execute the idea.

Yeah, we didn't ace it the first time, but practice makes perfect. After a few times of trying, we managed to do it right. And we celebrated for probably 30 seconds before going to try the next idea for the chorus. And just as we were about to start-

The bell rang. We lost track of time and Taeyong and I kinda just...

Looked really panicked. Cause we didn't have enough time to change out of our dance outfits but if we did we would be marked late and both of us dislike being marked late so we just made a run for it. We speed-walked to the Music room and we were just on time. And just as we were about to sit down, Mr. Nam told us that we can go to the one of the smaller rooms to practice our singing. We just quietly took our bags and nodded.

Whilst passing by, we saw Eunji and In Guk practicing and looked like they were genuinely having fun. I envied how they looked like they had no care in the world. Taeyong dragged me to the biggest room at the far end and we placed our bags down. I sat on one of the few chairs and took out my phone, the lyrics on the screen.

"You start first, right?" I asked Taeyong. He nodded.

"I'll just start now. Can you please put on the audio?"

"Yup, on it." I went to my iTunes and tapped play on Good Boy and Taeyong immediately started rapping along to G-Dragon's voice. They synced perfectly, neither faster or slower than the other. I'd be lying if I said that he couldn't pass as G-Dragon Jr.

Towards the end of the rap, I took a deep breath and started singing along with Taeyang. I hoped that I didn't sing too fast or too slow but I decided the best would be to be laidback.

And holy shit, that was probably the best decision I've made ever since we started practicing. Taeyong smiled reassuringly at me and I smoothly continued singing while he did his rapping. Yeah, there was a few parts we could work on but like I said, practice makes perfect.

We had a whole hour to try harder and harder until we reached our limit. We took a 2 minute break once or twice but continued to do it over and over again until time was up. That signalled the end of our day of University. We had time to waste so we just stayed inside the music room singing and making jokes.

And time passed so fast. We left the music room at 5pm, still making jokes and talking about our lives in general.

And now I can say that I really do like him.
hi (:
hope you all enjoyed this boring chapter, promise that the others will be more interesting but the next 2-3 chapters will be a bit like this, but it will have major timeskips so yeah :)

last dance   ➵   pcy x lty [discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt