What happened

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Emma was running around trying to find piper. Her phone then started ringing. While still looking she answered. "Hello" she says not bothering to see who it is. "Hey mum. Pipers at mine and you should come get her" Henry says while on the sofa holding piper close. Emma sighed in relief and said "I'm on my way. Thanks kid" she hung up and started running to Henrys house. It wasn't far. When she got there she texted Regina she's got piper. She then knocked on the door. She had a key but didn't have her keys on her.

Mia answered and said "hey come in. She must have come here late last night because we found her curled up on our door mat" Emma stepped in and went straight to the lounge. Piper looked up and ran over to Emma who picked her up and held her close. "Mummy I'm sorry" she says crying on Emma's shoulder. "It's ok. You just slept walked. Your safe now" Emma says holding her close to her chest.

Piper shook her head and said "no I walked out. I didn't like that there was so many people in our house and that small brown hair one was mean to me" Emma looked up at Henry shocked. Henry returned the facial expressions. Emma moved piper back so she could look at her and said "what did belle do to you" piper looked down scared. Emma sat down on the sofa and sat her on her lap. "Piper look at me" Emma says softly. Piper shook her head and said "I want mamma" I pulled her back into a hug.

She knew only Regina would get the answers of her. Piper was very much a mamma's girl and Taylor was a mummy's girl. She kissed her head and kept her close. Piper cried on Emma's shoulder again. Henry rubbed her back and kissed her head. "How long has she been crying" Emma asked looking at Henry. "Since I brought her in. She was crying on me and kept saying I'm going to be in trouble and how she's a bad girl" he says as he rubbed his thumb across the back of his head. Emma stood up and said "piper say goodbye to your brother"

Piper lifted her head and said "bye Henry" she had tears down her face. Henry kissed her head and said "bye sweetie. Just don't do that again ok" piper nodded and put her head on Emma's shoulder again. Emma kissed Henry on the cheek before leaving. Mia had gone upstairs to sort Katie out. Emma carried piper home since she was still crying. Since the house was close it took less than 5 minutes. Emma knocked on the door and Regina quickly opened it. She saw piper crying on Emma and said "what happened"

Emma stepped in and they went to the lounge. "She ran away and went to Henrys house. She won't tell me all she said was belle was mean to her and she wants mamma" Emma says as she sat piper on the sofa. Regina picked her lips and sat down next to piper. Emma held her hand out to Taylor on the floor and said "come on let's got get something to eat" Taylor jumped up and held her hand.

They went to the kitchen. Regina patted her lap and piper sat on it. She rested her head on her mother's chest. "Talk to me sweetie" Regina says rubbing her head.Piper kept her head down and said "that mean lady that was small hit me because I wouldn't say hi. The blonde one was nice and she sat and talked with me for a bit and the ginger one was nice but just that brown hair one was mean" Regina looked shocked. "She hit you?!" She says shocked. Piper sat up and lifted her top up a little at the back.

She had a few scratches and a cut. "She was wearing jewellery so it hurt more" Piper says as she started crying again. She put her head back on Regina's chest and started crying. Regina held her close and texted Zelena.

Regina: hi can you come over to mine please? I need to talk. Bring belle and Robyn to x

Zelena: of course. What time x

Regina: as soon as you can. Thanks x

Zelena: ok we should be there soon x

Regina put her phone down and rapped her arm around piper. "It's ok baby. Come in calm down. She won't touch you ever again" she says holding the small child in her arms. She kissed her head and rocked her side to side. When piper finally calmed down and fell asleep Regina led her down on the sofa. She pulled a blanket over her and kissed her head. Regina went into the kitchen to see Taylor and Emma. Taylor was on the counter laughing with Emma. Regina went over to her and whispered "belle hit piper. Go look at her back"

Emma looked angry but tried to hide if for Taylor. She walked out and went to the lounge. She looked a pipers back before getting even more angry. She then went back into the kitchen and Regina quickly said "watch your temper" she knew Emma was mad but didn't want her mad in front of the kids. Emma took a deep breath and said "I'm going to do you know what to her" she then clicked her knuckles. The front door then knocked. "You stay here" Regina says as she walked out. She opened the door and saw Zelena and Robyn.

"Where's belle" Regina asked trying to act calm. "Parking the car" Zelena says smiling. Regina invited them in. She then saw belle walking towards the door. Regina glared at her and said "go wait in the kitchen" belle looked a little confused. Regina closed the door and went to the lounge. Zelena and Robyn were waiting in there. Belle followed behind Regina. Emma came in with Taylor and looked angry. "Em" regina says quickly. Emma's face softened and she smiled.

Emma picked sleeping piper up and said "Taylor let's go upstairs" she took her girls upstairs. While walking up Taylor said "can Robyn come" Emma looked at Robyn who smiled and nodded. She followed them up. "Zelena I need to talk to you" Regina says softly. Zelena nodded and followed her to the kitchen. Emma came back downstairs but Robyn stayed with Taylor. Belle looked at Emma who was furious. "I'm going to kill you" Emma says angry. Belle swallowed hard and said "Zelena won't let you" Emma just laughed.

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