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Regina was at home with Henry. Even though she had broken up with Robin Henry was still annoyed with her. "Come on Henry enough being mad at me" Regina says angry and finished washing up. Henry looked up from his phone and said "whatever. I'm going upstairs" he stood up and started walking to the door. "Henry Daniel Mills! You get back here now" she snapped angry. He ignored her and stayed looking down at his phone. She sighed and gave up with him for today.

She went to a cupboard and got a glass out. She made herself a scotch before taking the bottle and going to the lounge. She finished the bottle pretty quickly and was drunk. She went to the door and shouted up the stairs "HENRY IM GOING OUT FOR AN HOUR" he shrugged and she walked out of her house. She wondered down to davids house and knocked on the door. She was leaning against the side of the door as she waited. Emma opened the door and Regina said "screw you" Emma looked confused and said "are you drunk"

Regina stood up straight and said "I thought I was happy with Robin but now I realised I only started dating him to get over you. I hate him but you left and I didn't want to be alone. Why did you come back? You knew I still loved you and just wanted to rub it in my face... I can't remember why I'm here" Emma sighed and grabbed her keys before close the door. "Let's get you home. Your a drunk mess Regina" Emma says helping her down the stairs. "Bit rude. Not going to lie" Regina says as she starts to walk.

Emma drove her home. Regina didn't say anything just looked out the window. When they got home Emma opened the door. "I'm not that drunk. I can open my own god damm car door Emma" Regina says getting out. Emma sighed and closed the door. Regina walked to her from door but couldn't get the key into the lock. "It doesn't bloody fit" she says annoyed. Emma took the keys and said "it's because that's your car key not your door key" "don't patronise me" Regina says interrupting.

Emma unlocked the door and Regina fell into the house. She managed to keep her balance. "Henry I'm home" she shouts up. Emma closed the door and said "let's get you some water" Regina started walking to the kitchen. She threw up in the sink while getting herself a glass. "Regina why did you get yourself drunk" Emma asked while tying Regina's hair up. "I drunk my problems away like Ruby taught me to do when your sad" she says sounding very drunk in her tone. "Why are you sad" Emma asked softly.

"Because I'm all alone. Nobody loves me anymore. My own son hates me. You hate me because I was mean and I've changed. I dumped Robin because well... he's Robin" she says as she made herself a glass of water. She drunk some as Emma said "we don't hate you Regina. Come on let's get you to bed" Emma says softly. Regina smirked and said "you wanna sleep over. I'm still very skilled with my tongue" she stuck her tongue out at Emma before licking her lips and laughing.

"No. Come on let go. I'm not a monster to take advantage while your drunk. If you want me to then do it when your sober" she says walking Regina walked out of the room and to the stairs. Regina sighed and said "fine grumpy" they went upstairs and to Regina's room. She led down on the bed and said "Emma" the blonde looked round from the door and said "yeah" Regina looked at her softly and said "please lay with me until I fall asleep" Emma hesitated before nodding. She walked over and led in bed.

Regina cuddled into her and said "I still love you. You know that right" Emma shook her head and said "you don't your just drunk" "no I do. I was just to scared to admit it sober because I knew I didn't want to get hurt again like last time" she says cutting Emma of completely. Emma just kissed her head and said "come on just go to sleep. We can talk in the morning" Regina nods and says "alrighty... I missed you Emma" she closed her eyes and shortly fell asleep. Once Emma knew she was she slipped out of Regina's grip.

She went down the hall and knocked on Henrys door. "Come in" he says sitting up. She opened the door and he smiled. "Hey. What you doing here" he asked while putting his laptop down. She went over and sat down next to him. "Drove your mum home. She's very drunk. Talk to me about what happened with you and your mum" she says as she led down next to him. He sighed and said "I am just so angry that she won't admit she still loves you. She dated Robin because she's afraid of being alone. I know I haven't helped but Im so angry"

Emma put her arm around him and kissed his head. "I know you are. I am to. She's not the woman I fell in love with" Emma says as he cuddled into her. She kissed his head and he said "it's because of Robin. He wasn't very nice and was really controlling on her. Where's piper by the way" Emma sat up and said "at davids. I got to get back to her. I'll see you soon kid. Love you" she kissed his head and hugged him. She stood up and waved before leaving the room. She walked out of the house and to her car.

She drove back to her dads house and unlocked the door. She closed the door and went to her room. She checked piper was ok. David knocked the door and she said "come in" he walked in and said "where were you" she stood up straight and said "I dropped Regina home. She got drunk and I wouldn't let her drive" he hugged her and kissed her head before walking out. Piper started crying. Emma picked her up and rocked her in her arms. "Sshh sshh piper" she says softly.

Piper calmed down and stopped crying as Emma started feeding her with the bottle. "I love your mum so much. I hope what she said tonight was true. She was so amazing. Why did she have to change" Emma says while feeding her. She pulled the bottle out of her mouth and rocked her to sleep. "I love you baby girl" she says before kissing her nose. She put piper in the cot and stroked her small hair softly. She loved being a mum to this small human that adores her.

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