Still friends

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It's been a week of Regina and Emma talking. Emma has decided to come visit her parents again for a weeks now. She hasn't told Regina since it's going to be a surprise.

Regina: morning em xx

Emma: morning Gina x how was your sleep xx

Regina: alright I guess xx

Emma: what's wrong x

Regina: my ex boyfriend doesn't know how to take no for an answer. He keeps wanting to take me out on a date to get back together xxx

Emma: why don't you want to get back with him? Is he a bad guy xx

Regina: no he's a nice guy and all but I kinda have this stupid school crush on someone else xx

Regina: you xxx

Emma: awe that's sweet. I like you two xx

Regina: I wish I could come see you but Henry has school and I have work xxx

Emma: I know but hopefully I'll be able to come see you soon and maybe finish from where we left of last time xx

Regina: I like the sound of that xx

Emma just wanted to tell Regina she's coming down but didn't want to ruin the surprise. Emma finished texting Regina and got in the car. She decided to finish the conversation on call while Emma was driving. During the conversations Regina was at work. Once Emma arrived in storybrooke she knew Regina was at work. Before she went to her parents house she went to Regina's office. She knocked on the door still on the phone to Regina. "Aaarrr someone annoying is at the door. One sec. I'll go see who it is" she says with a sigh.

Emma giggled and said "it might be someone awesome" Regina then opened the door to her office to see Emma stood there. She smiled brightly and said "ow my god. Your here" Emma smiled and nodded. She stepped in and pulled Regina into a kiss. She had her hands on her face and held her close. Regina rapped her arms around Emma's shoulder to hold herself closer. When they pulled away for air there eyes locked. "I've missed seeing you" Regina says softly. Emma smiled and pecked her lips.

Regina pulled her back into a kiss. She held herself close and split her lips apart. This showed Emma she was waiting for her to deepen this kiss. Emma slid her tongue into Regina's mouth deepening there already passionate kiss. All Emma was thinking is that hands down Regina is the god damm best kisser ever. As they pulled away for air Emma said "man your good at that" Regina blushed and looked down. She hated how she looked when she blushed. Emma lifted her head up and smiled at how cute Regina looks.

"I have to go see my parents but if your free I'd like to take you out tonight" Emma asked softly looking into her eyes. Regina smiled and said "I'd love that. How long are you staying in town" Emma pushed her hands threw Regina's soft raven hair. She smiled and said "a week. I couldn't get anymore time of my shift. I want to spend time with you. Obviously I have to spend time with my parents and Neal but I want to see you as well" Regina smiled and bit her lip. She kissed Emma softly.

"Pick me up at 8?" Regina asked as she pulled away. Emma pecked her lips and nodded. She walked out of Regina's office and left the building. Regina closed the door to her office and leaned against it. Every time she spoke to Emma she couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Kissing her was no exception. Henry was back in school from his suspension now.

Regina: hey I'm going to be going out tonight so are you going to be ok on your own. I shouldn't be to long xx

Henry: are you going on a date?

Henry: omg is it Emma?

Henry: your going on a date with Emma aren't you?

Regina: if you must know yes and I am going out with Emma. Will you be alright on your own xx

Henry: yeah ofc I will. Ly mum x

Regina: what does ofc and ly mean Henry x

Henry: of course and love you🙄

Regina: then why not just say that? Anyway get back to learning or you'll be in more trouble xx

Emma arrived at her parents house. She went in and knocked on the door. David answered to see Emma stood there with a stupid smile on her face. Every time Emma had ever gone out on a date and kissed them for the first time she came back like that. "Who have you been kissing" he asked teasing her. Emma didn't know if Regina would be ok with people knowing about them just yet so Emma just said "no one. I was just thinking of someone I like that's all" she stepped in and hugged David.

She jumped up and hugged him tight. When she got down Neal came running over. He hugged her and said "I missed you Emma" she laughed and pulled away. "I saw you last week" she says with a giggle. He smiled and said "I know but I always miss you" when they were younger Emma spent lots of time with her younger brother. Once it came late Emma went out to go on her date. Her parents wondered who she was going out with but didn't want to ask until she got home. Emma went to Regina house and knocked.

Regina quietly opened the door and looked at Emma awkwardly. "Hey. I'm sorry Henry got sick so I can't leave him. You can come in for our date if you want it here" she says hoping Emma comes in. The blonde nodded and Regina invited her in. They went to the lounge. Regina quickly ran up to see if Henry was ok. When she came down she saw Emma looking at a guitar. "Who's is this" she asked looking up at Regina. "Henrys. I'm teaching him how to play" she said softly while sitting down. Emma smiled and said "you play"

Regina nodded and lifted by her drink up. Emma grabbed the guitar and walked over to Regina. As the brunette put her drink down Emma gave her the guitar. "Play for me. Can you sing" Emma asked really hoping she could. Regina nodded softly and said "yeah but I don't usually sing for people" Emma pouted her soft lips which made Regina smile. Regina took the guitar and started playing it. She then started singing.

"If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go

Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it
'Cause they'd stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
'Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
'Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed
If I were a boy"

Emma smiled at the sound of Regina's voice. "Wow" she says amazed. Regina blushed and leaned in slowly towards Emma. As there lips joined Henry walked into the room. He pulled himself out of bed to get a glass of water. When he saw them kissing he smiled and whispered "it worked. Online dating actually worked" he was so happy his mum finally found someone. He quickly went to the kitchen so they didn't see or hear him. He made his way back up as they pulled away. They locked eyes and smiled softly.

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