Going back home

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The end of the week came. Emma and Regina have spent time together but still aren't a couple. Emma has to go home today. She quickly went to Regina's office and knocked on the door. Only Henry knows they've kissed. Regina has spoken to him since he saw them. Everyone else in town has no clue about them. Regina opened the door and looking both ways. She grabbed Emma's top and pulled her into the office. She closed the door and pushed Emma against it. Instantly kissing her deeply.

Emma put her hands on Regina's thighs and lifted her up. They pulled away and Regina said "I'm gonna miss you" Emma pecked her lips and said "I'll miss you two. I have to leave soon" Regina rested her head on Emma's and looked down into her eyes. "I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay here" she says with a pouty face. Emma pecked her pouted lips which made her giggle. "I'll FaceTime you or call but, there is a but" Emma says with a little grin sneaking onto her face. Regina titled her head and frowned her eyebrows confused.

"If you'll be my girlfriend" Emma says now not able to control the smile. Regina smiled brightly and kissed her again. They haven't had sex yet only made out lots. Regina didn't want to rush anything to soon. "I'd love to... but do long distance relationships work" she says softly with a small smile. Emma put her head against Regina and said "we'll make it work. I really like you and I still don't know how your single so I'm going to take you of the market" Regina smiled and kissed her again.

"I got to go say goodbye to my parents and Neal especially. Will you say bye to henry for me" Emma asked still resting her head on Regina's who couldn't stop her smile. She nodded and kissed her again quickly. Regina jumped down and kissed Emma quickly. Emma pulled out her phone and said "I need a picture before I go" Regina frowned sand said "why" she giggled slightly. Emma got the camera up and said "coz I need proof I have a really hot girlfriend" Regina started laughing and blushing. Emma lifted the phone and took a picture while Regina was smiling.

"Awe we do look cute" Regina says smiling

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"Awe we do look cute" Regina says smiling. Emma kissed her one last time passionately before saying goodbye and leaving. Regina closed the door and rested her back against it. She breath in and let out a big breath with a smile. "I have a hot girlfriend" she says really excited. "I can hear you" Emma shouted from outside the door. Regina blushed and opened the door. She saw Emma bent down to tie her laces. She blushed even more and said "bye"

She closed her door embarrassed and blushed like crazy. Emma giggled and left the building. She went to her parents house and said goodbye to her parents. She then took Neal out for ice cream. She wanted to treat him before she left. They were walking on the beach with there ice cream and Neal said "can I live with you" Emma looked down at him confused. "Why do you want to do that" she asked stoping and Neal looked up at her. She sat down on a bench and he sat to her.

"I don't like living with mum and dad. There always so angry and annoying. Anything I do I'm in the wrong some how. Please let me live with you" Neal asked with his sad little face. Emma remember what it was like living with them. That's the reason she left town so she didn't have to take there crap. "I'll talk to your mum. I can't take you home with me today because I've got work and no where for you to stay. I'll come get you in a holiday so we can find you a school" Emma says ruffing his hair. He smiled and she kissed his head.

They left shortly and Emma drove home. Once home she called Regina. It went to voicemail. Emma shrugged it of and sat down. She hen got a text from Regina.

Regina: hey I can't talk on the phone I'm in a boring meeting but I can text you xx

Emma: its like your in school sneakily texting under the table x

Regina: haha I guess😂ooo look at me badass xx

Emma: aha you always make me smile x

Regina: I'm glad baby xx

Hearing Regina call her baby was great. She loved that.

Emma: how's work anyway xx

Regina: boring but I have to go get Henry soon xx

Emma: do you know when half term is xx

Regina: umm... I think in two weeks why xx

Emma: Neal wants to move in with me and I said I'd talk to my parents before half term to have home move over without missing school xx

Regina: your brother ? X

Regina: why does he want to live with you x

Emma: yeah and because my parents aren't the best to live with. He's only 10 and he already hates them like I did xx

Regina: awe bless him x

Regina: I gotta run Henry has finished school and its raining so he wants a lift home 😂❤xx

Emma: it's ok beautiful x I'll see you later x

Regina packed everything up and went to pick Henry up. They were in the car. Henry had his feet up on the dashboard and tapped his foot to the beat to the song. "Feet down" Regina says glancing at him. He sighed and put his feet down. Regina noticed the attitude. "What's up" she asked looking at him confused. He looked at her and said "I got a detention after school and isolation all day tomorrow. You'll get a call in a minute or two" she looked over at him shocked. She stopped the car and said "what?!"

He sighed and her phone started ringing. She looked at it and saw Henrys school calling. He smiled slightly while annoyed and said "your about to find out" he then looked out the window annoyed. She answered the phone and put it on loud speaker. "Hello mayor mills speaking" she says with an annoyed tone. The head mistress smiled and said "ow well hello mayor mills. I'm calling because Henry is going to be in isolation for getting into a fight with another student. He'll also be spending an hours detention with me after school"

Regina looked shocked at Henry. She took a breath and said "ok thank you for telling me. I will sort this out... we'll try but it won't happen again" the head mistress smiled again and said "thank you madam mayor. You have a very, very good day" Regina rolled her eyes at the flirty tone and hung up. She glared at Henry and started driving. Henry knew that randomly she was going to snap. After a few minutes Regina said "you got into a fight?! What the hell were you thinking"

He sighed and said "he started it" "who started it" she interrupted annoyed. He put his feet up and said "Eric. He was being horrible so I shouted at him. He pushed me to the floor and then I punched when I got up" Regina rolled her eyes and carried on driving. "You can't go round fighting people hen. I had some good news to tell you today and you gave me bad" she says annoyed. He looked up and said "you date Emma don't you" she looked shocked and glanced at him. "How did you" she says but he quickly said "its obvious. It's all over your face"

Regina couldn't help smiling. "Well yes. I kinda miss her right now. Doesn't matter anyway. Your grounded" she says shaking the smile. He looked shocked and said "what? You didn't ground me for walking out of school but for getting into a fight" Regina frowned her eyebrows together and said "your grounded because you think you can do all of this and not get in trouble. I'm done being miss nice mum who doesn't punish you. The school thinks I'm a terrible mother except the head who keeps flirting"

Henry sighed and looked out the window. "I hate that school. I hate him. Can I move school" he asked annoyed. She sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetie it's just one bully. I'll go down there tomorrow and talk to the head mistress about this" she says softly and more calm. Henry smiled slightly and looked back out the window.

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