Good morning

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Regina woke up the next morning to the feeling of a pair of lips against her cheek. She smiled brightly and said "good morning baby" Emma pulled away but kept her arms around her. "Good morning indeed" she says making Regina laughed. The brunette turned around in Emma's arms and started kissing her. When they pulled away Emma said "I love you" Regina smiled and turned back around. She closed her eyes while smiling. She yawned and said "I love you more. Now go back to sleep"

Emma laughed and put her arms around her. "Your so hot" Emma whispered in her ear. "I know" Regina replied making them both laugh. "Your hot two" she added while letting out a soft and sweet sigh. Emma started kissing her cheek. "Don't get me started again" Regina says smiling. Emma licked across her neck before kissing it again. Regina turned around in her arms and said "fine I'm awake and I can guarantee Henrys asleep" Emma smirked and started kissing her deeply. They held each other close as they made out.

Emma kissed down her neck and made her way down Regina's body. To make sure Regina wasn't to loud Emma held her hand over her mouth. There was then a knock at the door. Emma moved her hand and stayed under the covers quiet. "Yes Henry" Regina says awkwardly. Henry walked in and said "I was gonna make ow my god" he turned round shocked. Regina had the covers over her but he could see Emma was under the covers. "Sorry" Regina says awkwardly. Emma came out from under the covers awkwardly.

"I was gonna make you breakfast but seems like Emma's already eaten" he says grossed out. He closed the door and said "sorry I interrupted but please don't get back to it" he walked downstairs to make breakfast. Emma started laughing and Regina said "ow god" she started laughing as well. "Come on get dressed" Regina says standing up. They got changed into pyjamas and went downstairs. Regina hugged Henry from behind over his shoulders. "I'm sorry you had to see that" she says before kissing his head.

Emma picked piper up from the high chair. She giggled and Emma said "now you want to talk to me" Regina moved away and henry said "its fine. Now we're in the topic I have something to tell you" both woman looked at him curiously. Emma sat down at the table and Regina walked over to her with the baby bottle full of milk. "What is it" Regina asked curiously. He looked awkwardly at them and said "I got my girlfriend... pregnant. The condom I use was out of date" both women's eyes went very wide.

"I know I'm so stupid for doing it and I should have check in sorry" he said quickly before they could speak. "Henrys it's ok. We will help you. I had you at the same age and I'm so proud of you for staying with her threw this" Regina says as she walked over to him. He hugged her and said "thanks mum" Emma stood up and said "we can both help. I couldn't think of someone better than you to raise that child" Henry pulled Emma into a hug but they tried not crushing piper. "Hen" piper says getting all there attentions.

Emma looked down at her and said "what did you say" piper smiled and said "Hen... Hen-wy" they all laughed and Regina said "well done my little munchkin. Your firsts words" Henry kissed pipers head and said "that's my big girl" he took her from Emma and held her on his hip. "I think I'm gonna try find a place of my own with Mia" he says looking at piper. Regina kissed his head as she walked passed and said "that sounds like a good idea but I hate that your growing up. Come on here give me a hug"

Henry gave piper back to Emma before hugging Regina. He held her close and she said "you'll always be my little man. No matter how tall you are or how old" he smiled and said "love you mum" they pulled away and Emma said "so how many months is she" he thought about it for a minute. "Umm... 3 weeks" he says as he made himself a glass of water. Regina looked up at him and said "3 weeks? The time you told me you were round your friend Max's house" his eyes went wide and he didn't say anything.

"Henry" Regina says in her mother voice. Emma looked at piper and whispered "your brothers is in trouble for lying to mamma" Henry looked at round at them and said "mum not helping" Regina rolled her eyes and said "your lucky I love you. Come on let's eat" he smiled and they sat down. Emma kissed Regina softly and kept piper on her lap. She picked up a slice of toast. Piper reached out to grab it. Emma was talking to Henry when she noticed piper take it out her hand. "Oi cheeky" Emma says moving the toast away.

Regina laughed and said "come here piper. Come to mamma" piper reached out and Regina took her. "You can't still be hungry. You just had a bottle of milk and you drunk the whole thing" Emma says while tickling her with one finger. Regina laughed and said "she's definitely your child"

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