In trouble

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Emma, Mia and Henry were sat on the sofa looking down. Regina was stood in front of them angry. Piper and Katie were asleep upstairs. They all knew they were in deep trouble. Regina had her hands on her hips and said "ok. Let's just recap what has happened these last few days I've been away. You all got into a fight. Henry you got arrested. Emma you broke your arm. Mia you let this happen. I went away for 3 days and you TURN THIS FAMILY UPSIDE DOWN!" She really wasn't happy.

3 days ago

"Have fun in Paris baby" Emma says smiling. Regina smiled and said "I'm going there for work. It's probably not going to be fun but I'll try" Emma laughed and they kissed softly. Regina grabbed her bags and they left the house. Regina got a taxi to the airport and Emma went to work. Once Emma got to work she sat down at her desk. Her deputy was at granny's getting coffee. Henry came into the room annoyed. "Hey Henry" Emma says looking over. He went over to the sofa and led down in it angry.

"Mum I'm gonna kill him" Henry says angry. Emma looked over at him and said "who" he sat up and looked round at her before saying "Eric. He use to bully me in school and now he's trying to get with Mia. He's also still trying to bully me which isn't working but is making me angry. He's telling Mia I was a tiny weirdo when we were 12 and basically showing me to be a pathetic weirdo while he's this big hot jock. God I'm gonna kill him" before Emma could say anything they heard someone coming in.

Mia walked in and said "Henry why did you leave" she had Katie on her hip. He stood up and went over to her. "Because I was going to kill him" he says annoyed. He took Katie from her. Emma was thinking. "Eric. He's the one you got into a fight with wasn't he" she asked still thinking. Henry nodded and Emma said "his mother is just as bad. She got angry with me when I went to go talk to her about that. Your mums away maybe we can go sort that family out" Henry smiled and looked at Mia. "What about Katie"

Emma stood up and said "piper is at my dads. He won't mind looking after her" Mia smiled and nodded. Henry got excited and they all went to the door. Emma's deputy came in and she said "hey I've got to go but are you alright covering this shift" the deputy nodded and said "yeah of course. Your coffee" Emma smiled and took it. They all left and went to Emma's car. They dropped Katie of at Davids house. They then drove down to Eric's house. He still lived with his mother. "You said he's this big hot shot right" Emma says looking confused.

Henry nodded and Emma said "he lives with his parents at the age of 19" "he's actually 20 now" Henry says interrupting. Mia laughed and said "you were worried about this guy" they all laughed and got out. They went to the door and Emma knocked. A tall older man answered. Few years older than Emma. "Hello" he says looking down at them. "Are you Eric's dad" Emma asked crossing her arms. He nodded and said "yeah I'm mark"

Emma put her hands on her hips and said "since he can't get it in his thick head maybe you can. School is over and he shouldn't be trying to bully people or steal try steal there girlfriend when he's still living in his parents house like an uneducated weirdo" mark raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Henry and Mia took a step back knowing this wasn't going to be good. "Uneducated? And who do you think you are" he says annoyed. She crossed her arms and said "I think I'm sheriff of this town and married to the mayor"

Eric then came to the door and said "Who is it? Ow Henry... and Mia. Hey beautiful" "don't start" Mia says annoyed. Henry punched him in the face angry. Emma looked shocked and said "Henry" he shrugged but mark looked angry. "Keep your brother in line" he snapped angry. "He's my son" Emma says annoyed. Mark looked confused and said "how? There's like 6 years between you" Emma sighed and said "he's Regina's son but he's mine as well and there's 11 years between us" Eric had blood on his lip.

"Your crazy Henry. Mia you picked him over me" Eric says annoyed. Mark looked at Emma and said "your family is nuts" Emma then punched him in the face. A woman from behind grabbed Emma's hair and pulled her back. Emma fell to the floor and landed on her arm causing it to break. "What the fuck" Emma shouts angry. "I'm calling the police" mark says angry. Emma stood up and they saw the arm was snapped. It was swollen and the bone was sticking up. It didn't cut the skin but was very close to.

"Ow my god Emma. Let's get you to the hospital" Mia says quickly. Emma looked at the arm and said "yeah that might be a good thing" there was then sirens going on. Eric was still whining about his nose. Emma was already in the car. Her deputy arrested Henry while Mia took her to the hospital. They all promised not to tell Regina what happened. Later that day Regina called Emma while she was in the hospital. "Hey baby. How's France" Emma says answering. She was just have her arm put into a cast.

"Hi baby. France is good. Is there something you want to tell me" Regina says smiling. Emma looked at Mia and said "no why?" She put her on loud speaker and Regina said "ow I was just wondering why I got a call from the station saying Henry is arrested and the hospital saying you've broke your arm. Emma swan if you don't tell me the truth I swear to god" she was angry now. Emma and Mia looked shocked at each other. "Dammit I forgot they called you" Emma says with a sigh.

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