Our Girl (Axel POV)

Start from the beginning

"I never liked her anyways."
I swing my eyes to the three girls whose names I never could remember. They sit here for Mason's entertainment mostly but lately he can't seem to stand them.

Jackson groans as Mason rolls his eyes at the girl, no one having the energy to deal with her.

"She probably never really liked us. Faked being our friends," another adds, and Mason snorts.

"She was pretty open about not liking you if I remember," He says earning a glare from all three girls.

"She doesn't mean it," Hazel says weakly staring at the table, "she has to have a reason."

Jax looks pained as he starts to speak, "I don't know Hazel. Maybe she just really-"

"No." She insists snapping her head towards him, "you don't know her, I've spent every fucking second with her for a month. She is my best friend, and this some dumb shit cliche. I mean it, she fucking knows practically all of my secrets and still talked to me and trusted me, she had me at her house for God's sake, the mysterious and secretive bitch she is, let me in her house! And it left so natural with her like she has been here this whole time."

She looks over at Mason and Jackson, "you two know what I'm talking about. The way she so easily put up with your bull shit. As if she's been doing it for years, putting you two in your places."

A ghost of a smile passes on their lips as Jackson shrugs his shoulders, "because she was a natural at it."

Mason scratches the back of his head, "It's like we couldn't do anything but laugh and listen to her. Like-"

"Like she was already apart of the group," I finish and all eyes fall on me as I stand up from the table.

Damnit why did everyone have to love her? This makes it so much harder to just ignore, now that they all love her I can't deny what's bound to happen if this woman stays in my life. Fuck. Why did she have to be so god damn funny, and charming and beautiful and-

"Where are you going, Axel?" Jax asks and I ignore the smirk on his lips.

"I'm gonna go get our girl," I tell him and turn away before I could see his all-knowing stare.

I hate it how my brother could read me. While the others think I'm just trying to help them out, he knows I'm doing this more for me than I will ever admit.

I storm out of the lunch room and make my way to the outside courtyard. She's always there, in between classes, before or after school. If she's not with us, she's there. A part of me had always been dying to ask why, but my stubborn self-reminds me it is none of my business.

Well, that's not the case anymore.

They love her, they accepted her, and without realizing it so have I. So she is now claimed by me and no one gets to leave once I let them in. Especially not her.

I hear a sob and stop in my tracks. Just around the corner, I see outside the courtyard and the girls sitting on a bench. I crack open the closest door and I can see their faces but mostly their profiles.

"It's okay honey," Blaze coos as Mo let out another sob onto her shoulder.

"How can you be s-so calm," she sniffles, "you j-just lost people who a-actually care about you."

"It isn't the first and won't be the last," she says softly pushing some of Mo's hair out of her face gently.
My eyes stay glued to her as she is so delicate and caring, almost like she has practice.

"Does it get easier?" Mo asks her breath calming down some but still sniffling.

A calm expression passes over her soft features as her doe eyes stare off into the courtyard, "no, it will always hurt. If anything it gets more painful," she confesses.

Mo's head pops up, "then why are you so... so...-"

"Because you're crying for me," she says and gently, elegantly wipes some tears off of Mo's cheek, "it's a first for me, I'm kinda enjoying it."

Mo's lip quivers as she again barries her face into Blaze's shirt, "I'm so sorry."

For the first time, I see a gentle, soft smile that reaches her eyes as she rocks the two of them.
And I want to just stay here and stare at her neutering expression, she seemed peaceful. A side I have never seen

But then she mumbles, "don't feel sorry, this is to protect them," and my fists clenched at her words, so it was bull shit.

I walk back to the cafeteria about to get everyone ready to create a plan to get Blaze back to us. Back to me.

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