"Mother I've apologized to her for that I've sent her 2 vases full of yellow roses she told me after the first week that she forgave me for that." Draco said to his mother Narcissa humphed and spoke to him.

"You're lucky she forgave you for that Draco. You need to look at her situation from her point of view she was scared she had to think of something to make staying with you much more easier for her. Granted she hoped you'd get bored with her and set her free and put her on the list to never be captured again. She told you the truth Draco she said she felt safe with you and apologized for even thinking of leaving you cause she was afraid of being caught again and taken to some ruthless heartless wizard who raped her all the time with no remorse of his actions! I'm surprised you haven't starved the poor girl to death!" Narcissa yelled at him Draco spoke to her.

"I wasn't gonna deprive her of food mother or water or sleep for that matter." Draco said to her Narcissa shook her head and spoke to him.

"Son she has been crying at night not making a sound. Her tears are falling but she isn't sobbing she figured that you weren't worth her sobs. She told Severus she wanted to be at home with him where she was properly looked after. Her wand probably has been snapped so she'll have to buy another one so she can protect herself." Narcissa said to him Draco sighed heavily and shook his head and spoke to his mother.

"Her wand isn't snapped mother I saved it from being snapped. It's in my vault at Gringotts for safe keeping I'm deciding on when I should give it to her." Draco said to her Narcissa sighed and spoke to him.

"Well at least you saved her wand son. If I were you I'd head home early and work from home for a while. Natasha has been eating but it's been small bites it's usually three spoonfuls of whatever the house elves made for her to eat. Severus worries about her immune system shutting down if she continues to eat like that. Son go home and be with her use some of those sweet lessons she showed you and maybe she'll come around. Son should you bond with her if you ask her during sex you have to be slow and sweet or the bond would not take. Once the bond takes you can be as you were with her rough like she likes it. Be with her son comfort her show her that you love her with every fiber of your being show her that her lessons of teaching you to be slow and sweet are paying off. Work from home a little while it might do you some good besides while working at home she might teach you how to have sex slow and gentle so should you decide to bond with her through sex then the bond would take if it was slow and sweet. You should really practice on that son should you bond with her through love making it had to be sweet and love or else the bond won't take. When you pick out her ring think of her and what she likes if you have trouble contact Severus he'll help you if he's angry for what's happened these past few weeks then don't ask him but you do have an alternative." Narcissa said to him Draco looked at her and spoke.

"I do?" Draco questioned Narcissa answered him.

"Yes son your alternative is Hermione Granger she is staying with Severus cause Severus knows that she is the girls best friend. So Severus came down here and brought Hermione to his home. He treats her with respect cause of her friendship with Natasha. The only thing he asked of her was that she never leaves the house without him in case she would get captured again cause of her actually being a muggle born. Now son when you speak with Hermione treat her with respect. Now son after lunch go home and let Natasha out of her chains and ties. Work at home for a bit she'll teach more into being sweet hopefully it can lead into something more for you. And son being sweet to someone you love doesn't make you weak it makes you stronger the more you care for her the more you'll want to protect her from everything and everyone and you'll go through any length to do so." Narcissa said to him Draco nodded understanding his mother he hugged her goodbye and she left him. Draco watched his mother leave with raised eyebrows he sat back down in his leather office chair. Draco put his hands in his face wondering if he went too far with the second part of Natasha's punishment. He heard footsteps again and this time he really chose to ignore it he was thinking of what he could do to make it up to Natasha for taking her punishment too far someone cleared their throat and Draco looked up and saw Blaise holding out his lunch for him Draco took his lunch and began eating Blaise spoke to Draco.

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