Definition of Love Making (X-Rated)

Start from the beginning

"It's different when you aren't in heat you know?" Hoseok says. He sits on the edge of the bed beside Jimin and takes the omegas hand in his. "We're only rough on you because you ask, but right now you aren't asking."

"So... what else is there?" Jimin asks hesitantly. He feels like he should know, but the only sex he's ever had with anyone has been rough and dominate. Fast and pleasure chasing. He doesn't know how to 'make love.' Namjoon had promised that he would show Jimin one day, but the younger hasn't yet warmed up to the idea of sex outside of heat. Jimin would love to do this with Namjoon, but the pack is alpha is just so alpha that Jimin isn't sure if it's a good idea for the first time.

"Well.. you know how Namjoon is? How he only does what you ask him to and always makes sure it's okay?" Hoseok asks. Jimin nods, thinking of his sugar sweet alpha. All his alphas are sweet, of course, but Namjoon is notoriously gentle. "It's the same idea, but it's... slower. It's soft and gentle touches and making sure you feel loved and appreciated. It's doing whatever makes you feel good, not what I want to do."

"But what about you then?" Jimin asks. He can't get over the idea that alphas only want sex for themselves. That's how it was always was for him before he met Bangtan. Jimin's never had the chance to make an emotional bond during sex. It's always been doing what the alpha wants.

"Trust me, I will enjoy making you feel loved just fine," Hoseok assures. "The others will too."

"Okay," Jimin says. He nods in thought. Every time he's been in heat with this pack it has been different. They've focused on taking care of Jimin, but sex was still an instinct fueled experience. It made him closer to the pack, sure. Heats have given him the chance to know that his trust was well placed in his pack. He's always been pampered and loved and doted on. Heats have been nothing but comfortable. Sex was still primal. Jimin didn't get the opportunity to make love while driven by lust. His only thought during sex is always about making the other person feel good. He doesn't know how to focus on himself.

Outside of heat with his old pack, Jimin usually didn't enjoy sex. He realizes now that most of it was rape even if he was too afraid to say no. His alphas were always rough- dominating- and focused on their own bodily pleasure rather than Jimin or his emotional state. It was never bonding. Not even when they kissed him harshly or bit into his skin.

With this pack- his adoring and amazing pack- it is never like that. Not even when Jimin is in heat and his body is irresistible. They're never mean or degrading. They praise him, focusing on the omega's comfort and reminding him how much they love him. They're kisses are tender and passionate.

"It still usually starts with, like, kissing?" Jimin asks. He thinks he can do this. Love making is just sex with a different emotional state after all.

"Yes, very good," Hoseok praises. "This type of kissing is supposed to be more endearing than lustful."

"Can you show me?" Jimin asks.

Hoseok smiles and leans in. Jimin finds that Hoseok is right. This kind of kissing isn't dominate. They aren't trying to eat each other alive. They're simply exploring each other in the most intimate way. Expressing their affection and love physically. Jimin thinks it's the most intimate thing he's ever done. Hoseok pulls away after he thinks Jimin understands.

"I liked that," Jimin admits. The pack has only ever kissed him while he's in heat and begging for them, due to fear that doing it at another time would make the omega uncomfortable, but now Jimin thinks he wants this all the time.


"I've never really kissed someone that way before. Not outside of heat anyway," Jimin explains. "Kissing was always a way of showing dominance not love."

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