"Hey," the omega whispers kindly when he sees Jimin's gaze. The boy's gummy smile lets Jimin breath again, although not very well. Yoongi is unsure of what to say, but he wants to help. "I know you don't know us, but we want to help you. Can you move?"

Jimin shakes his head slightly. He doesn't trust these wolves. He doesn't want them to be anywhere near him. He just wants to be left to suffer in peace. No more unfamiliar scents to remind him that his pack is gone. No new pain.

Yoongi reaches for Jimin slowly, but Jimin flinches away before he can even touch him. Jimin is shaking his head again. "Please no," he says hoarsely. His eyes clench shut again. "Please no more."

"We have to get you out of the cold," the omega explains. He doesn't reach for Jimin again although he could easily force the boy to let him carry him. He doesn't want to scare Jimin anymore than he already is. The poor kid looks terrified and bloody. Yoongi doesn't want to imagine what happened to him. "If you can't move yourself, we have to help you. Can I carry you or would rather my alpha do it?"

"No alphas, please," Jimin whispers. It's a weak request and Jimin knows it. He knows he really doesn't get to decide what these people do with him. And maybe the alphas won't like hearing Jimin say such a thing, but he can't let them close. Not now. Even if that makes him a poor excuse of an omega. After all, what kind of omega finds no comfort in an alpha?

"Okay. No alphas," Yoongi assures him calmly. He seems unsurprised by Jimin's answer. "Then can I carry you?"

Jimin looks up at the omega again. He looks older than himself, but he's an omega too. It could easily have been this boy in Jimin's place instead. Any omega could make a mistake. Most of them do. If Jimin had found someone in this state, wouldn't he try to help too? Wouldn't he try to do everything he was allowed to? Jimin nods hesitantly. Only other omegas understand him.

"Okay," Yoongi says, returning a nod. He tries to look as reassuring as possible. "I'll be gentle."

Jimin tenses when he feels Yoongi's hands move underneath his body, but he doesn't fight him. He's learned it's best not to. The older omega holds Jimin close to his chest to keep him warmer. Yoongi adjusts Jimin's jacket to cover the omega's body. It's a comforting gesture. Jimin flinches when he catches sight of the two alphas that follow the omega closely. Jimin focuses on Yoongi's scent, trying to find comfort that it's a fellow omega. Yoongi would protect him right? If these alphas wanted to hurt him? Surely he'd explain that Jimin is too close to death for anything harsh? Yoongi doesn't look like he's being hurt, he doesn't have any scars or healing scratches. Not that Jimin can see at least. Jimin thinks that Yoongi must be a good omega to be so untouched. That he must be a true treasure. Or perhaps his scars are well hidden.

"What are we going to do?" the second alpha asks.

"I don't know, Hoseok. Take him back to the pack for now," says Joon. "Try to talk to him. Help him at least."

Yoongi nods and looks down at the boy in his arms. "We're going to take you to our home, okay? It's warm there and we can give you a bed or whatever you want."

"Are al-alphas there?" Jimin asks quietly. He doesn't want to go to another pack. He doesn't want to be an omega anymore. Not if he can't do it right. Not if it means being cast out and hurt over and over.

"There are, but they won't hurt you. They won't even be in the same room if you don't want them there," Yoongi assures. Jimin simply buries himself deeper into the elder's warm chest, focusing on the way that he rocks in the omega's arms as he walks. "Was it alphas that did this to you?"

Jimin nods as fresh tears spring to his eyes. "They-they-"

"You don't have to talk about it. I'm Yoongi."

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