"Annie!" He yelled.

"Nicholas!" I yelled jumping on his back.

"Long time no see." He laughed. "Where's Demi?"


I not so secretly want Demi and Nick to date. I tell them that all the time, but I get the same response. 'Were best friends.' Which, is true. And even though I totally ship them, it would be so weird if they dated. They're like siblings.

"Hey, Dems." Nick said.

"Hey, Nicky." Demi said back.

I slid off of his back and proceeded to my room, trying to find something to wear.

Sense it just me, Mar, and Maddie I'll settle with jean shorts and a t-shirt.

I checked the time and still have thirty minutes despair.


"Bye mom, love you." I said giving her a quick hug.

She was already in her gym clothes and Nick was about to leave. But, what makes me suspicious is that he goes with her to the gym most of the time, but today he isn't.

"Bye baby." She said, giving me a quick kiss on the head. "Be careful and text me."

"Okay." I said running over to Nick. "Bye, dude."

"Bye kid." He joked.

I ran out the front door and hopped in Marissa's car, throwing my bag in the back.

"Hey, kiddo." Marissa said.

"Hey." I smiled, as she pulled out.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"I think I have something planned." I said.

"And what's that?"

"You'll see."

She gave me a confused look, which made me smile, and continued towards Maddie's house, which was like four houses down.

This subdivision is so calm and cute. It's awesome.

When we pulled up to Maddie's, she was already running outside. I know she's gonna go through with my plan. Marissa, on the other hand, not so sure.

"Hey guys." Madison said, sliding in the back.

"Hey." I smiled.

"So," Marissa said pulling out. "What are we doing today?"

"Were going to Demi's gym." I said.

Marissa and Madison both made a disgusted face. "Sense when do we work-"

"We're not going inside, sillies." I smiled. "We're parking outside."

"But why?" Marissa asked.

"I think Wilmer is meeting Demi there." I said.

"Annie, I-" Marissa started but Mads cut her off.

"Yes! Go, Marissa! Go!" Madison cheered.

"Then we can go get Chinese!" I added.

Marissa totally doesn't look convinced.

"Demi would totally kill me." She said. "Spying is rude."

"So is hiding things from me!" I said.

She pulled up to the stop sign to exit the subdivision. If she turns right, were going to Marissa's house. But, if she turns left, that's the way to Chinese.. And Demi's gym.

She turned left and said, "If one of you tell anyone, I'm killing you."

"Deal." I smiled sitting back in my seat, satisfied.

Part of me doesn't want to find out the truth especially if the rumors are true. I don't know why I can't stand Wilmer as much as I do, I just can't. The thought of him and Demi sends shivers down my spine and makes me want to gag.

"Maybe you should give him a chance." Marissa suggested.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Give him a chance? Wilmer? No thanks. I already gave him a chance.

"Disgusting." I said.

"Why? He isn't that bad."

"But he is that bad." Madison said.

"He's a forty year old pervert. It's disgusting." I shook my head just thinking about it. That man makes my blood boil.

"He's thirty." Marissa corrected me quietly.

"Thirty three." Madison said. "And it's still disgusting."

The rest of the way to the gym was full with silence and me thinking of more excuses to hate Wilmer. It was pretty easy.

Marissa pulled up to a spot across from the gym and parked.

"There's Demi's car." I said, pointing to the car beside the gym.

After a few minutes of silence and just staring at the gym doors, Marissa spoke up. "How is this going to prove anything? She-" Marissa stopped talking and I looked out the window to see Demi walking out of the gym and climbing into a black car. That isn't hers.

I would've just assumed it was Natalie's or someone's, but the drivers window was rolled down. And, no big surprise, I saw Wilmer Valderrama.

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