Meeting Humans

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Silvery-blue eyes were staring intently out the window, watching almost anxiously as hordes of children from varying ages flooded in through the gates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Today was the start of school, and Adeline was very much aware of what that implied. She was going to be meeting other people, she was going to be judged, and she was going to truly start her adventure. She turned away from the window, her bare feet padding softly on the cold floor as she made her way to the stairs. Slowly she stepped down them, her pale, boney fingers anxiously playing with the wand-bracelet on her wrist. It was somewhat soothing, somewhat reassuring, to feel the magic inside the wood so close to her. Her defense mechanism, her escape. These last few days, Adeline had taken it upon herself to study different books from different years, even going through some of the Dark Arts books in the restricted section. She had become quite powerful, realising she could do every spell wordless and cast them perfectly on her first attempt. Perhaps her Elven Blood, the race once thought to be the first to practice magic, helped her in being such a marvelous student. Of course, she hadn't showed any of the teachers this let alone the Headmaster, appalled by the idea of them figuring out who or what she was merely by her skills. She vowed to practice both normal and Dark magic in secret, and only show minimal skills in classes. While all these thoughts played around in her mind, Adeline had reached the horde of fresh firstyears infront of the doors to the Great Hall. Quietly, she slipped inbetween them untill she stood somewhat at the front, next to a ginger boy and a boy with glasses. 

It came as no surprise to her that most of the boys, including the two she stood next to, were openly staring her down, like butchers seeking the best cattle to have. Her Elven beauty was surely the cause of this, and Adeline found it hard to suppress her dismay. Her lips tugged down the slightest, and her face fell in an emotionless mask. She heard footsteps and a childish voice snapping at people to step aside, before she was confronted with the culprit. A young boy with slicked back, blonde hair and two fat buffoons appeared before her. He wore a casual smirk on his lips, and his ego radiated off of him. Adeline's eyebrows furrowed, and her silvery-blue eyes focused on the boy before her. What could he possibly want? ''So it is true what they said on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.'' The boy announced haughtily, his words starting up murmurs and whispers all around them. The boy with the glasses frowned, and it was clear to Adeline that this must be the Harry Potter person. ''My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. And these two-'' at this, Draco pointed to each of the buffoons behind him. ''- Are Crabbe and Goyle.'' Adeline only just held in a snort at the ridiculous names of the three, but the small ginger boy next to her couldn't. Draco's eyes narrowed immidiately as he stared at the redhead. ''Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. Hand me down robes and books... You must be a Weasley.'' Ron shrank back at Draco's words, and Adeline had enough of it. She made her presence known by taking a threatening step towards the blonde, her eyes narrowing dangerously. Finally, Draco noticed her and upon seeing her beauty, his pale cheeks turned the faintest shade of pink. ''H-hello. I believe we haven't met yet, miss?'' He tried to sound smooth, but the awestruck stutter in his words wasn't unnoticed by Adeline. She merely arched a brow, and tapped her bracelet as it morphed into her wand. Without so much as a blink of her eyes, she pressed the tip threateningly in Draco's throat. The gesture was clear; Back off. And no words were needed for the boy and his buffoons to gulp, turn around and hide in the mob of children behind them. 

Satisfied with the outcome, Adeline tucked her wand in her sleeve so she could reach it easier should it be needed, and turned around to offer up an almost shy smile to Ron and Harry. ''Bloody hell.'' Ron mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Harry rolled his eyes, elbowing his ginger friend in his side. ''What Ron means to say is, thanks. That was brilliant. I'm Harry, and this is Ron.'' He stated the obvious as Draco had introduced them already, but Adeline waved it off and blamed it on the nerves. She nodded to each of them as Harry introduced them, holding up a piece of parchment. 'My name is Adeline. I am a mute.' It was written in a thin cursive, a curly handwriting she had perfectioned in the last week she spent here. ''Well, its a pleasure to meet you Adeline. I hope we can be friends.'' Harry continued while Ron only managed a few nods of his head. Adeline's shy smile turned into a genuine one at this, and she could only hope that the boys were to be in Gryffindor. Soon the doors opened and Professor McGonagall lead the flood of firstyears to the front, where they had to sit on a stool and have the Hat place them in their respective Houses. Adeline slipped through the crowd and sat herself down at the Gryffindor table, leaving room next to her for the boys should they be placed in her house.

Minutes passed as student after student were sent to their correct Houses, and it came as no surprise to her that Draco Malfoy and his buffoons were to be placed in Slytherin. Hermione Granger, a muggle-born know it all, was send to the Gryffindor table and quietly took a seat infront of Adeline. She was anxious, and Adeline pitied her. With an encouraging smile and a nod of her head, she saw the girl relax with a grateful smile of her own.  She hadn't realised that their small interaction distracted her from the Sorting, as suddenly two boys sat on either side of her. Harry and Ron. She smiled broadly and clapped her hands along with the rest of her table, failing to see the blush on both of the boys' cheeks. She was happy that she had made friends, and she concluded she could keep them if she tried hard enough. Headmaster Dumbledore ended his speech and immidiately the start of year banquet appeared before her and the other students. She placed an apple on her plate and got some pumpkin juice, staring at the ginger boy next to her. Ron had stuffed so much food on his plate, it was like a mountain had grown itself there. Harry only shook his head at his friends behaviour before he started to take a few bites from everything, tasting it. Adeline had a content smile on her lips as she nibbled on her apple, realising that this may very well be the chance she had been longing for when she still lived in the Forbidden Forest.

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