Most Unfortunate

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Poor, poor nestling. The girl thought as worry swam through her peculiar eyes, her pale fingers covered in red. Blood. The crimson color contrasted heavily with her entire appearance, yet she did not seem to care that the sticky liquid smudged her hands and dress. The blood trailed down to a wounded baby deer, who was  too weak to make panicked noises, as it lay in a puddle of blood and melting snow. An arrow was lodged in it's side, and the wound was fatal. There was nothing that Adeline could do, nothing but comfort the small animal as it puffed its last breath. Someone had shot the little one, and she knew that she would find the hunters and make them pay. But for now, she left her anger to the side and shushed the baby deer, her fingers running through its fur to calm it down. The nearing death of the animal was making her sad, as she knew she was there when it was born. The peculiar, white marking on it's forehead was the same as the one on the baby deer's birth she had witnessed months before. To see life created, and to see it wisked away right before her very eyes, was a depressing realisation to say the least. Her usually appealing face was saddened, and the corners of her lips were tugged down in dismay. Soon, the little animal would be dead and she would be on the hunt for the ones responsible, and the very thought of making them pay made her smile appear once more. 

A distant noise caught her attention, the tips of her elfen ears trembling some. A small group of people was nearing her and the baby deer, who had yet to pass on to the life after this one. Adeline turned around and faced the nearing group, her body lowering as she crouched over the wounded animal. If these were the hunters, then she would not give them the satisfaction of getting to the deer a second time. But to her suprise, it were people cladded in the humans robes. The first she noticed was an elderly man with a long beard, dressed in purple robes with a pointy hat on all the white hair. He wore half-moon spectacles and his kind, blue eyes studied her petite body. Next to the man stood a lady in green robes, a shocked expression on her wrinkled face as one hand covered her mouth when she glanced Adeline's way. And on the other side of the elderly man stood he, the sinister man she encountered the day before. The dark aura which somehow intrigued her, every time she glanced his way, was curled around him like a cloak. Her pale, plump lips curled up to expose her teeth as she glared their way, warning them in an animalistic way to keep their distance. As the elder man stopped, so did his two companions. '' Oh my. '' He mused, a twinkle in his eyes as he saw the girl's defensive posture. A soft, bleating noise was made beneath her and Adeline knew that the baby deer had made the sound. It was becoming restless as its death neared, and she was torn between comforting it and attacking the group. But as all three did not move, Adeline turned her back to them to kneel next to the deer, finally exposing the wounded animal to their sights. 

She ignored their hushed conversations, partially because she understood very little of their language, and partially because the deer was more important. She allowed both of her blood-covered hands to rest on its side, gently stroking through the beautiful, brown fur. The oldest man had come to stand next to her, but he posed no threat. She just had a feeling he would not harm her, or the deer. ''I could heal the wound, if you let me, dear.'' He spoke softly, his sparkling eyes staring at her attentively. Adeline understood what he meant, but was hesitant to allow him near the young animal. Nevertheless, she knew she could not help it and reluctantly, she moved over enough to allow the man to reach out to the wound. Instead of using medicine or herbs, she saw him pull out one of these peculiar sticks. He points it at the wound and clearly states ''Episkey!'' out loud, a small, white light blinding the girl for a second. When she blinks and regains her sight, she sees the young animals wounds close, leaving but dried up blood and a scar to show it had been wounded only moments before. Instead of questioning the methods used, or being awe struck by its quick effects, the girl helped the deer to stand up. An understanding look was shared between the young teenager and the deer, who pressed it's forehead against Adeline's before running away from all the people. She watched intently as it run off, making sure it did not stagger or limp, before it finally faded from view. It was then that she remembers the group of people, and the help of the older man. Her anxiety of being near these bodies got the best of her and for a split second, a scared expression formed on her angelic face as she took a few cautious steps back. Satisfied with the new distance between her, the older man who was closest, and the two companions a bit further, she finally dared to look in the wizard's twinkling, blue eyes. 

''He is completely healthy now, I give you my word.'' The man spoke, his stick tucked inside his sleeve. Adeline did not know how to cope with the current situation, and found it most unfortunate that these people were invading her home. But she was grateful for the man's help with the deer, and a hesitant smile graced her lips as she nodded her head to him once. After all, he had yet to do harm. This earned her a warm smile from the man in question, who gestured to her and then the dark man. ''How is it my faculty found a young girl such as yourself, wandering these woods?'' Adeline allowed her silvery eyes to glance at the man from the day before, and she was unsure if to be angry at him for bringing trespassers here, or to be grateful for bringing them in time to help the deer. As seconds passed and she did not reply, the man sighed once. ''Perhaps, introductions will do, my dear? My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Perkamentus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts. The woman standing a little ways from us, is Minerva McGonagall. Deputy headmistress of Hogwarts, Head of Gryffindor House and Transfiguration Professor. And that-'' with this, Albus pointed a boney finger to the dark persona. '' -is Severus Snape, Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts.'' Adeline nodded to each one as they were introduced, allowing a quick smile to surface. ''Your name, girl?'' Severus piped in impatiently as the girl remained quiet, his eyes narrowing in a glare. Adeline, slightly offended by his hasty nature, only furrowed her eyebrows. This man was not only thick, as she had noted the day before with the berries, but now also impatient. A combination of things that were not very appealing to her. As with many things, Adeline could only linger somewhere as long as her interest was piqued. With Severus' way of approaching her, she lad lost her interest in the current situation. Her mind wandered off to the thought of food, a pleasantry that was now suddenly, her new priority. 

Her curiously coloured eyes flickered between the three people, as she dipped her head down once by means of greeting and, good bye. Albus seemed to notice this, and reached for his wand to stop the girl. After all, he could not permit someone to live here in the condition she was in. Thin, cold, unhealthy. But Adeline was quicker, her hand reaching down and shoveling snow up in the blink of an eye. The snow drifted between her and the three people like a mist, which only lasted a second. But that was all she needed. When the mist cleared, the three magical people could only just make out a faint blur of a figure, running across tree branches in a direction that led her quickly from the group. ''This is most unfortunate...'' Albus admitted, yet somehow he seemed amused. His two companions came closer, the lady tugging her robes tighter around her as the cold got to her old bones. ''Are we going after her, Albus?'' She questioned him. Of course she wanted the girl safe from harm after seeing her poor figure, but she was not looking forwards to spending more time in the cold. The man in question turned towards his companions, a mischievous glint in his eyes. ''Oh Minerva, I believe you and I are too old for this weather. No, I think that Severus is capable of finding the girl and convincing her to come inside.'' It was clear to all three, that Albus found great amusement in saying this. Minerva's eyebrows furrowed, a doubtful glint in her eyes. Severus? He would never be able to calmly get the girl to come along. No, he would most likely drag her against her will. Severus however, only wore his usual scowl. ''Is that really necessary?'' He drawled out, his misfortune clear. Albus smiled broadly, linking arms with Minerva. ''Oh yes, very much so, dear Severus. I expect to see both you and the girl soon.'' And with that, he and Minerva apparated back to the castle. Severus let out an agitated sigh before he wrapped his billowing robes around himself, strutting off in the direction the girl had disappeared to.  

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