|Dean X Reader|★ Part One

Start from the beginning

"Here you go Dean, I made you're favorite." His mom whispered placing her famous hamburgers in front of him.

"Thanks." He mumbled as she took the baby from his tired arms.

"Hey, mom?" He asked causing her to turn back.

"Yes, dear?" She questioned bouncing the bubbly baby on her hip.

"I-I...uh-" He fought back tears continuing. "-I forgot what time the funeral is tomorrow." His mother gave a sympathetic look.

"Three O'clock sweetie." Is all that got past her lips.

It had been three months since Y/N's death, it killed Dean every day as now he truly felt lonely... No one understood him as Y/N did. Gosh, I don't think anyone ever will.

The baby looked almost exactly like her except being smaller. No one knew how Dean was going to do as a single parent... He didn't even know himself or believe that the pain would ever go away. All pain goes overtime, right? Or does it?


"I don't want to leave you, Dean." Y/N mumbled through tears.

"Look at me." He commanded fingers brushing against her chin.

"You're going to be just fine." Looking deeply into her eyes... he truly believed what he had been saying, if only it didn't turn out to be a total lie.

"I don't know if I can take three more months." She explains looking up at him.

"You will... You have to." He mumbled continuing to rub her back.

"I don't think my body can take anymore." Before she could go he shushed her with a kiss.

"You're going to be just fine." He whispered.

Y/N had been happy he was being optimistic although on the inside that had been anything yet true.


Today had been the day they pull Y/N's plug... The day she is to be put in a coffin and buried in the ground. Dean's heart broke just thinking about it. Everyone had been prepared for this day... However, no one wanted it to come, especially not as soon.

"Aw... Bro, you look good." Sam murmured patting his brother on the back.

"Thanks." He mumbled not in the mood to talk.

"If you want we can go see Y/N... You know before they pull the plug and she really is-"

"I get it." Dean interrupted quite loudly causing Sam to yelp. Dean sighed running his fingers through his golden locks of hair.

"Sorry." Dean finally got out breaking the silence.

"It's cool man... I just need you to remember we all loved her too." Sam explained and with that he left the room causing Dean to feel worse,


Dean climbed out of the car with Sam, Jo, Garth and Castiel by his side.

"Dean everything will be just fine." Jo soothed rubbing up and down his shoulder.

"I know... I just can't believe she's gone." He mumbled running his hand down his face.

The whole group comforted him walking altogether. Making their way to the receptionist they said who they were there for and she immediately gave a sad look. Walking to the room they were met by doctors surrounding Y/N.

"Wait," Castiel yelled getting their attention... He felt bad that he couldn't heal Y/N, so this had been the least he could do.

"We must say goodbye," Jo explained pulling up a seat beside the bed. The others did the same.

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