|Dean X Reader| PART ONE

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"It's ok... Daddy will be just fine." Y/N soothed to her four-year-old daughter Rose, however, the daughter looked at her mother with her scared eyes.

"Daddy didn't look fine mommy." She cried placing her face in her mother's shoulder, as her light breaths fanned it.

"Well-" Before the mother could finish her sentence she cut herself off as the doctor walked back out... His sad face putting goosebumps on the wifes' skin.

"Please tell me he's going to be ok!" Y/N exclaimed standing back up quickly, causing Rose to whimper.

"Your husband is in anaphylactic shock... Were not sure what caused this to happen so really no way to help him... Yet." The doctor informed eyes never leaving his clipboard.

"That's it? I thought doctors were supposed to help people... Help him, it can't just be caused by nothing!" Y/N yelled angerly not caring about all the stares she had been receiving.

"Ma'am we are doing everything we can, we even have the police investigating the restaurant for any leads on what could have done this." He informed turning the other way.

It seemed to be right then that finally, the mother broke down in tears. Then that she realized her husband might not make it...


"Daddy I want a milkshake!" Y/N could hear her daughter whine as she walked down the stairs that evening.

"Well if it's ok with your mom I'm all in." Her husband smiled causing her to as well.

"Let's go then," She explained as they turned her way with wide eyes.

"YAY!" Rose squealed jumping into her mother's arms.

Piling into the car Y/N made sure to buckle Rose into her car seat, then they were off.

The restaurant had subtle to no sound for a Saturday night, as they all plopped down in our usual booth. The mother gradually came to senses as to how hungry she really had been ordering a lot of food.

"I spy with my little eye something blue." Her husband whispered the only one to break the silence. Roses giggled echoed the restaurant.

"Yowr coat dawddy." Rose slurred wiggling in her seat as giggles escaped her lips.

"Nice job baby." He whispered placing a sloppy kiss on her head.

Just then their food arrived as the family dug in, it had been beyond amazing food none of them could get out a single word through bites. Y/N's heart thumped against her chest as suddenly her husband dropped his burger.

"I-" A coughing fit interrupted him like he had been choking.

There were not many words to describe it, his face turned as red as a tomato, as Rose started crying.

"Dawddy!" She squeaked as the mother acted fast pulled out my phone dialing 911.

"Somone help!" She yelled as their waiter burst from the back room, looking flustered as she didn't have any idea in the world of what to do in a situation like this one.

He started pushing on her husband's chest yet nothing seems to come out, none the less working.

Just then paramedics burst through the door, laying him on a stretcher.

"Will he be ok?" Y/N asked lifting Rose with her, following them out the door.

"We won't know for sure ma'am." One of them said causing tears to leak from her eyes.


... And that seemingly became how they ended up here.

"It's ok... Daddy will be just fine." Y/N soothed to her four-year-old daughter Rose, however, the daughter looked at her mother with her scared eyes.

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