|Dean X Reader| PART TWO

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Thanks for the request! :)

Dean knew that something was wrong the minute he left the house... Sure their whole house was salted with hidden demons traps... However, that couldn't help his worrying... And honestly what if James was some sort of Angel or worse just plain human.

Although the older Winchester knew that not only was the house all locked up yet that his wife was one tough cookie... He was so close to going back however once he got to work he knew that there was no going back home till his shift was over- Though he liked the sound of using his lunch break to go home.

"Dean?" Y/N asked confused sitting up in the bed rubbing her sleepy eyes.

The young adult slowly got out of bed hearing the noises from down the stairs, reaching for her angel blade she knew that anything was possible... Dean had gone to work he wouldn't be home this early... Right?

Tiptoeing down the stairs the blade was held out in front of her as slowly the goosebumps formed on her skin... This was not good. "Dean?" She asked again only then did she turn the corner and notice that the front door was wide open.

Quickly running toward the door she slammed it shut locking it and leaning against it with a sigh of relief... Not even thinking that she had just locked herself in the house with someone or something.

"Hey Y/N," She jumped at the sound of his voice.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"I came here on my lunch break," Dean explained looking down at his sandwich. "I honestly thought you have seen my text,"

"Oh," She whispered laughing hugging him. "I missed you,"

"Man you can't even go a day without me... That's a shame," He chuckled plopping on the couch.

"Oh shut up... You're the one that came back to me," She laughed laying her legs across his lap.

"True," He whispered eating his sandwich. "Love you,"

"I love you too Dean," She whispered flicking on the TV.

Boy did that turn out to be the best lunch break for Dean... Although of course, he had to go back to work much to Y/N's protest. "Come on Dean please don't go!" She exclaimed pulling him back by the arm and onto the couch on top of her. "You're so warm please don't go!"

"Come on Y/N you know I gotta," He whispered trying to get out of her iron grip yet she wasn't having any of it.

As suddenly their lips were pushed together, her hands tangling through his hair as slowly Dean's fingers did the same... Neither of them wanting to pull away and ruin the perfect moment- Although of course, Dean knew that if he didn't do so soon then he would be late for work.

"Y/N," He whispered against her lips with a smirk. "You're going to have to wait until I get home,"

"Oh come on Dean... I just want my heater back!" She exclaimed with an overdramatic cry.

"Then turn on the dam fireplace!" He laughed slipping back on his shoes. "See you when I get home," And with that, her husband was gone and she had been left in the freezing house.

She did end up turning on their electric fireplace that day, as suddenly binge-watching her favorite TV show didn't seem like such a bad option... After all what else was there to do? Actually, chores can wait... It's not like it'll kill her.

Suddenly the door opened and closed. "Dean, did you forget something?" She asked confused eyes never leaving the TV.

However, she knew something was up when she got no answer... Then the footsteps coming her way were way heavier than her husbands. She jumped up to her feet ready to fight only to be no one was there... "What the heck?" She asked confused though suddenly she could the breath behind her she quickly turned around.

Backing away in fear she looked at him with fear-stricken eyes. "W-Why are you here?" She asked confused.

"I came here to see you," James explained looking her up and down.

"So you broke into my house?" She asked with anger. "Look I barely know you... I'm going to need you to leave,"

"And what if I don't' want to leave?" He asked a small smirk forming across his lips.

"Then I'll have to call the cops," She explained only to realize that her phone was all the way in her room.

"No... I can't let you do that," He exclaimed taking a step closer yet, of course, Y/N is the still smart retired hunter ran for her room... Knowing that she needs her phone or at least a blade.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed running after her only for a door to be slammed in his face.

Quickly she locked the door pushing her dresser in front. "Dean!" She exclaimed into the phone before he could even talk. "Y-You were right he-" Although she cut herself off by scared by the sound of James pounding against the door.

"Who? Y/N talk to me baby please," He pleaded as suddenly she could hear the sound of his car door slamming and an engine starting.

"James he's in the house," She whispered into the phone through tears.

"Where are you Y/N?" He asked as his wife began to grab a gun.

"I-I'm in our bedroom... Dean he's going to get in the door!" She exclaimed now full-on crying.

"Y/N listen to me... You need to go into the bathroom and at least put another door between the two of you!" Dean explained as he took a sharp turn.

"Ok..." She whispered taking a deep breath gripping her gun and phone tightly. "Dean?"

"Yeah?" He asked as she could hear the worry in his voice.

"What did he do in your dream?" She questioned shutting the bathroom door and locking it... He had left out that part saying that it was too painful for him to go over.

"Y/N..." He started only to be cut off by her.

"Tell me!" She hissed pacing the small room. "I-I don't want him to kill me or-"

"Y/N he wouldn't kill you," Dean exclaimed stopping at a red light.

"Oh and why not... He's probably some kind of killer!" She exclaimed and that was when she heard the door open... And everything went silent.

"Y/N he's... A stalker or something-" However, suddenly she couldn't listen to the rest as the footsteps approached the door.

Y/N froze in fear not knowing what else to do as every fiber in her body told her to find another way out even though she knew that there was no other way out... Sure she had a gun however there was no knowing what this man was capable of.

It was silent for a really long time... As Y/N made no effort to move. Dean had hung up on her out of the blue as she kept wondering why and trying to call him back... She was scared that James might have gotten to him until suddenly the door handle began to jiggle and the fear that she had came flooding back.

"Y/N it's me open up," Dean whispered from the other side of the door.

Y/N couldn't help but be very happy at the sound of her husband's voice, not even hesitating she flung open the door ready to go straight into his arms but that didn't happen... Oh no.

"Don't hurt him please!" She cried looking up at James who had a gun to her husband's head.

"This is what you get for not letting me in!" He exclaimed and before either of them could even say a word a gunshot rang their ears blood splattering everywhere.

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