|Sam X Reader|

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"Well I'm going to go and take a shower," Y/N explained grabbing a beer from the fridge and taking a long sip.

"OK," Sam replied placing a kiss on the top of his girlfriend's head.

Y/N hadn't seen him this happy in a long time... Although after Lucifer had been caged, and he got his soul back things have been... Well great.

She smiled, going to their shared bedroom in the giant bunker. Peeling off her bloody flannel, getting ready for a nice warm and relaxing shower.

The heat relaxed her muscles, as it felt good to be clean.

A seemingly loud bang from the outside caused Y/N to jump with fear, though she pushed it away knowing that the boys could be doing target practice.

She got out, putting on shorts and a tank top.

Now you might be wondering, how is Y/N not freezing.

Oh, she is, however when you're the girlfriend of a big moose like Sam... They warm you up in an instant. He's like her own jumbo heater that she can drag anywhere.

Y/N had brushing through her hair, and drying it like normally when all of a sudden shouting could be heard and then finally as it became more clear she could make out what they were saying.

"Y/N RUN!" Sam's voice echoed through the bunker.

Swinging open the door, she went to the closet grabbing her gun and slipping on some shoes.

She didn't know where to go... Negative thoughts swarmed through her head, as there seems no way to stop them.

Y/N ran down the hall only to run into someone... Or something.

HSe looked up ready to shoot only to see Dean with his hands up.

"Don't shoot it's me... DUCK!" He yelled Y/N did as told a gunshot ringing her ears.

She turned her head only to see that he shot someone from behind her.

"Demon." Is all he got out pulling the young girl the other way.

Great, this gun is useless.

"Y/N!" Sam yelled as he came into view in the library.

His girlfriend ran into his open arms, smelling his scent of beer, man shampoo, and guns.

For some reason, it calmed her.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Sam mumbled, into her dripping wet hair.

"Come on guys let's lock up the place and leave just in case more come back," Dean explains grabbing anything on site. "What? I'm not going to let them have all this stuff!"

We went to the car, as Sam sat in the back with his girlfriend.

"We'll be at Bobby's soon," Dean explained looking at us in the rearview mirror.

Y/N nodded, snuggling into Sam's side.

"Get some rest," Sam whispered, letting her get comfy.

She smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.


A few hours later they had made it to Bobby's.

"Y/N, wake up baby," Sam exclaimed shaking her awake. "We're here."

She got up, looking around.

"Come on let's get inside it's late." He whispered taking her hand.

Leading us inside, Bobby had been there waiting at the door.

"What did you idjits do this time?" He asked, shaking his head.

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