| Dean X Reader |

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"I'm sorry," Y/N mumbled her eye/color eyes locking with Deans apple green ones.

"Y/N it's not your fault," Dean explained struggling against the chain once again. This only caused his hope to deplete more.

Y/N never replied as she listened to the bomb tick right behind her body.

"Castiel please we need you," She prayed once again. "Dang it! He's not answering!" Y/N exclaimed causing Dean to sigh.

"That's cause the place is probably warded," Dean explained looking down. "I can't believe this is how I"m going to die... Some stupid demons."

"Dean we're going to make it out of this... Have a-" She stopped mid-sentence not wanting to say anymore.

"Have what?" He asked finally looking up with his bloodstained face. She opened her mouth to speak only to have a demon walk back in.

"Hello lovebirds," He smirked looking at eyes landing on Y/N.

"What do you want?" Dean spits struggling even more.

"Not you... But maybe a little slice of her." He snarled looking Y/N's way. Her eyes widened in fear as she tried to get away however it seemed to be no use. They were trapped and would most likely die there.

"Get away from her you bastard!" Dean yelled venom dripping from his voice.

He yanked against the chains kicking his legs... Anything that would stop the demon from doing god knows what.

"I could give you all the pain in the world however that would not be equal to all the mental pain after this," the demon exclaimed as he knelt down now face to face with Y/N.

Her eyes were glued shut as tears slowly escaped them.

"Don't cry..." He murmured now Dean's cuss words filling the room.

The demon went to kiss Y/N although she turned her head the other way so he only got her cheek.

"Come on Y/N..." He whispered his disgusting breath fanning her face.

"Go suck a truck you crap on toast demon." She snarled.

The demon didn't know what to say as she turned her face away once again.

"Stop!" He yelled angerly grabbing her face and forcefully kissing her. She tried pushing him away yet it had been no use.

"I'll give you anything... just stop!" Dean whimpered from behind them. The eldest Winchester never one to beg although now he had been desperate.

"I would take you up on that offer but... This is more fun," the demon let out a rattling laugh as Y/N had been now forced to be kissed.

"Please stop," She whimpered trying to get him away from her.

"Don't you want this?" He asked with a smirk.

She shook her head furiously no.

"But from what I've seen from afar is that you love someone like Dean... I'm everything Dean is but a hunter and you will love me." The demon exclaimed inching closer.

"I only love Dean," Y/N whispered.

Just then the demon jumped off Y/N.

"Something different about you," He murmured getting off her.

The demon scanned her many times before his face show shock.

"Your... Your..." He couldn't even get the words out as a smirk grew larger on his face. "With child."

That seemingly when everyone's face grew in shock. Dean couldn't get any words out.

"Well, I think that's even better... It'll hurt Dean even more." The demon came closer.

He started to unbutton her shirt as she tried kicking him off he sat right on her legs. Y/N now fully on sobbing whilst you could hear Dean pulling against the chains. Just as her shirt had been ripped fully off Sam burst through the door.

"Stop!" He yelled the demon blade in hand.

"Oh please I'm not scared of that toothpick-" However before he could finish Sam jabbed the angel blade right through his neck.

"Have fun being stuck there if you move the bomb will go off and you'll be blown to bits." Had been his last dying breath as the demon dropped dead.

Everyone stood shocked as Sam went over undoing Dean's chains.

"Shoot what are we going to do?" Sam asked running his hands through his Disney princess hair.

Y/N started to cry as Dean tried his best to comfort her.

"Y/N we're going to get you out of here Sam knows how do disable a bomb," Dean comforted rubbing her shoulder.

"I do?" Sam asked confused looking at the big metal thing stuck to the back of the chair Y/N had currently been sat in.

Dean gave him the face as Sam nodded quickly got to work.


"Bean!" Dean and Y/N's daughter Cas exclaimed squirming in her mother's arms. Of course, they named her after the angel Castiel.

"I'm sorry sweetie he shouldn't be back for a couple days," Y/N explained setting her down.

"Bean! Bean! Bean!" Cas chanted.

Ever since Y/N once the time called Dean his real name in front of her instead of dad... She mistook it for Bean instead of Dean.

"I'm sorry honey," Y/N mumbled running her hand down her face.

She had been very tired as Cas never wanted to go to sleep and would never shut up... It also made things worse with Dean being gone as she could never fall asleep very well without his arms being around her.

"Bean mummy I want bean!" Cas exclaimed rolling across the carpet.

"But Cas sweetie Bean won't be home-" She could cut off by the door opening.

"BEAN!" Cas yelled jumping up and running as fast as she could toward the door.

"Hey there," Dean smiled lifting her up into his arms.

"BEAN!" She yelled happily her face resting on his shoulder.

"Hi Bean," Y/N said giving him a peck on the lips.

"EW mummy," Cas said covering her eyes.

Dean set her down as she ran off to play.

"What are you doing home so early?" Y/N asked Dean giving him an even longer kiss.

"The hunt turned out to be just people," He grumbled. "What a waste of my time,"

"Well, I'm glad your here now," Y/N mumbled against his lips. "Now your all mine,"

With that, the rest of the night turned into a happy blur after they dropped off Cas at Sams house, then nine months later... Another baby had been born.

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