Chapter 61 (Sloth: Polluted Dream)

Start from the beginning

...She saw the horrific site of blood and gore... The girl was stopped in one place and was now being repeatedly stabbed...

Genesis: "I need to help her!"

...Genesis drew her sword to attack...

Neptune: "Nep Jr.?"

...Her mouth was open, her breathing stopped... Overpowered by the sheer terror that befell her, she saw her sister, get stabbed in cold blood, her hand shivered at the site, her eyes could not believe what she was seeing... she felt the shiver run down her spine each time the weapon dug into her sister... When the blade was twisted, she felt like she would hurl... She wanted to look away, but she couldn't... She wanted to escape the reality that she was witnessing but she couldn't...

???: "Need a hand...? Fine then..."

...Then everything turned black...

... .... . / .... .- ... / - .- -.- . -. / --- ...- . .-.

Genesis: "Idiot I said stay back unless I called you!"

Neptune: "......-ay."

Genesis: "Huh? Ack-!"

Neptune: "Out'a my way..."

...Something was growing inside the girl before her, it was dark... Evil... It was Pure Black MALICE!!!!

Genesis: "Neptune no!"


Genesis: "AGH! ACk! AHHH!!"

...Genesis was shoved aside as the girl dashed right past her...

Shatana: "What the hell!? Zeb! Hurry!"

Zeb: "Yeah! Nep's got her!"

...Shatana and Zeb worked in tandem and picked up the beaten Nepgear and began healing her...

Genesis: "What the hell is going on here...?"

Bel: "This is bad... Hurry!"

Feria: "You'll make it! You have to!"

..Soon Nepgear, came to...

Nepgear: "Sis... Where is she?"

Feria: "You're sister... She's..."

...Feria pointed towards Neptune...

Genesis: "That form... Can it be...?"

Feria: "We saw this in one of the resets... The one where Original turns dark..."

Bel: "Daemon Drive."

...Out there on the field... Stood the very meaning of power... Overwhelming strength...

Hair as dark as the night sky, eyes golden like the sun, and skin as pale as the moon... She stood there looking down on her prey...


something is shot out from her target's location... It was a dark arm...

She weaved through the attack and with precision, cut off the dark arm that raced towards her... She didn't stop there, she continued after her target, she closed in their distance...

With her sword at the ready she raised it high into the air for an attack...



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