I found Brett talking to one of his friends who was with him earlier. He saw me and gave me a drop-dead gorgeous smile. I waved in response and started to walk towards him. His smile dropped into a frown as he glanced behind me.

I slowly turned around to come face to face with Sam. He didn't say anything, or make any moves, he just stood there. He was way to close and his gaze never wandered away from my eyes. He was scaring me. This was way to awkward. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to break the silence, when I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me away.

The now very familiar butterflies made a grand entrance as I looked up at Brett. His expression was unreadable, as he pulled me to the parking lot. I took my eyes off Brett and looked for Carol, who was watching Brett and Sam at the same time. She had a stern look on her face, telling me she did not approve of the recent "encounter".

Brett walked me over to the side of his car before pinning me up against it. My breath caught in my chest as his sea-blue eyes looked at me. I was very aware of the closeness of our bodies, but he did nothing.

"Did he do anything to you today at all?" Brett asked almost harshly, but I knew he wanted the truth. Some girls who got raped wouldn't talk to anybody and just keep it a secret. What they really needed to do was to tell anybody just at least one person who they trusted and knew would understand. I fully trusted Brett and would come to him with anything.

"Uh, no. He just continues to follow me around. All he does is just stare at me, which really creeps me out. I don't really feel safe not being able to tell what he's going to do." I'm pretty sure I looked hilarious with a completely stunned look on my face, but I couldn't help it. Our bodies were so close, it was killing me, It took every ounce of energy that I had not to kiss him right then and there. My eyes just kept on going to his lips, no matter how hard I tried to focus on his eyes. This was torture!

As if he was reading my mind, Brett chuckled and pushed off the car, letting his arms fall back to his side and away from my body. I felt so disappointed. I really liked Brett being so protective over me.

"He really is a creep."

"Yeah he sure is." I quietly replied, still dazed.

"So you ready?" Brett asked whiled opening the passenger door to his car.

"Yeah. Totally!" I said climbing in. I had almost forgot about our study/in my imagination a real date.

Brett quickly walked to the driver side got in, and started the ignition.

"I promise, I won't let him hurt you." Brett said sincerely as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Wow, that's a pretty big promise. How do you intend to keep it?" I had to sound mature to Brett. I really had let my guard down around him, and that wasn't good.

"Well, I could spend more time with you. I have a lot of periods with Sam, so I could also keep an eye on him."

"I like that idea." I replied, although I hadn't said which idea I liked.

"So about that history homework." Damnit. Brett really was serious about helping me with my homework.

"Oh yeah. Um I have five more questions I have to do."

"How about you get it out now so when we get to the coffee place we can just chat."

I sighed. "Brett, you have no idea what you got yourself into." I said as I pulled out my homework.

"What did you just call me?" Brett asked in a joking voice.

"Crap. Sorry I forgot." Giving him my most, I'm so innocent, don't hurt me smile.

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