Chapter 5 | Break-In Fangirl My Ass

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Can someone please tell me why I'm up at 5:37 to run?

Sometimes, I think I'm actually crazy.

I groaned as I stepped onto the harsh, cold floor and made my way over to the sink.

Quickly, I managed to brush my teeth and my hair before changing out of my spandex and a tee to a pair of Lululemon leggings and a sports bra from Victoria Sport.

I tied my blonde locks up into a tight high pony tail and washed my face, barely putting on any makeup as I saw no reason for it.

Why would you cake your face if you planned to sweat it off anyways?

That's just even more unattractive.

I made my way past the gym and down the flights of stairs as I clutched a pair of Nike running shoes in my hand.

Slipping them on quietly, the fresh air welcomed me and I plugged in my earbuds to my 2 hour long workout playlist.

The area was new to me, though I remembered to sneak out the back door as I headed on my run.

Just remember to retrace your steps.


It had been a mere 30 minutes before I had noticed a capped figure running behind me.

My heart quickened as I veered into a busier, cozier part of Los Angeles, hoping to get rid of him.

I had caught a glimpse earlier, noticing that he too had earbuds in. He paired it with a pair of sunglasses, a plain black cap, gym shorts, and a muscle tee.

Quickening the pace, I ran block after block before heading into a Starbucks after loosing the man.

Who the fuck wears a cap and sunglasses at 6 in the—

"Excuse me darling—" A deep voice spoke, as my eyes met with the man from before.

He was taller up close, nearing a close 6'4 stature.

"Me?" My voice squeaked, betraying me for being so out of breath.

If you were being followed, you would've ran faster too.

"You have a fast pair of legs on you." He grinned.

I smiled back before heading to the front of the line and ordering a quick refresher and waiting at a table until my drink was ready.

"Mind if I sit here?" The man asked, gesturing to the empty seat across from me.

I nodded and cocked an eyebrow as I looked around to see the cafe nearly empty.

"Mackenzie?" He recited, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"How did you—"

"The barista just called you." He stated, as he made his way over as well to get to his water.

I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows at the thought of him still wearing sunglasses and a cap indoors.

"Anyways, nice meeting you." He muttered before downing his grande sized water and tossing the cup away.



The run back was tiring but the soreness came back to me in a good feeling type of way.

I snuck back into the back door, panting as I removed my shoes.

"JUSTIN! DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY MEDS—oh hey?" The man from earlier called out.

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