~He, Him, and Homecoming~

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The following weeks up to homecoming were probably the most nerve wrecking and possibly the worst for Elliot. He had made a list of all the ways he could ask Victor in the least yandere way possible, all the while dealing with his sudden loss of friendship with Ryan. His pink haired friend wasn't necessarily not his friend anymore, but the two hadn't talked ever since that day in the cafeteria. Elliot thought it natural to assume, since the only word they'd ever utter to one another was nothing more than a mere 'hello'. The Ackerman-Jaeger boy knew that something was wrong, but was too stubborn to be the first one to do something. Even if meant risking their friendship, the word that now hung loosely on a thin seam, scissors at the ready. Besides, he had much more to worry about with the fast approaching dance. And he couldn't let his gathered courage falter in case him and Ryan weren't able to fix themselves.

This was a negative way to think, however, and Elliot found this out of character for him, being an artist with the ability to find the beauty in everything. Or so he the thought. It had always been easier when he was younger, a feat that he now seemed to struggle with. After all, his parents said this was going to be prime time for changes and experiences he never thought he'd have, but the idea of growing up and growing apart terrified him. Sure there were some people he wouldn't care to never see again, or hoped they'd become more mature, but it was all happening too fast. And he hadn't realized it until his dads enlightened him. Now he wished they hadn't. Besides, none of it prepared him for the rejection he would face, and the hurt he would feel, or the fact he'd have to face it all alone.

When Elliot finally gathered the courage to ask Victor, the two were alone in the back of the classroom. It was the end of the day, and they shared science class together. The raven haired boy glanced at the dirty blonde beside him, and reached over to tap his shoulder. When other looked up, he froze, taking a moment to admire the trans boy in front of him.

"Elliot?" He heard Victor whisper, snapping out of his stupor. He blushed and quickly apologized before continuing.

"Sorry, I was just wondering, did you have plans for homecoming?"

"No not yet. Why?" This gave Elliot hope.

"Oh! Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me, as my date?" Victor however smiled sadly, making his heart drop.

It had been going so well, and in that one moment all his dreams were crushed. The changing world came crashing down upon him, flattening his body underneath its collapsing weight. And he wasn't strong enough to hold it up.

"Elliot, listen, you're a nice kid, and a good friend but–" he put his hand up, sitting back in his chair.

"You don't need to continue, I get rejection." Elliot sighed, slumping in his chair.

"Sorry, really. But I'm heteroromantic. I like girls despite the fact I used to be one. Does that make sense?"

"Of course it does." The raven frowned. "But it doesn't make it hurt any less. I didn't mean to assume, I just...I think you're very good looking." He mumbled.

"Thank you. I was planning on asking someone else, but I certainly don't have as much courage as you do." Elliot let out a snort, scribbling absentmindedly in his notebook.

"Good luck." The rang then, allowing the students to pack up. The two followed and did so, Victor flashing another sad smile towards him.

"Thanks, I hope it all goes well. And sorry again. I'm sure if you ask someone else, it'll be much better."


"Bye Elliot."

And just like another piece of art turned ugly before him, leaving the artist lost and confused. The colors were mismatched and his heart ached in failure. Victor wasn't his future, but he could have been. And now the artist had no one, nothing to to forward to, and the feeling of disappointment flood his being. How could he call himself an artist when every ounce of inspiration disappeared? Whether or not the world was changing for the better he finally had cracked under all the weight, letting the darkness consume him. Elliot just simply couldn't see a silver lining this time. Nor did he see the boy with the hot pink hair, look at him with a longing expression, wanting his artist to come back and paint him. Unfortunately neither boy got what they wanted that day.

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