Y/n profile

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Age 20

Hair color black hair and yellowand wear bandage on her eyes since she was little.


Love/ sing,drawing,s sweet foods and loves wearing black clothes and loves the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers. Loves her pet wolf darkness has been with her since she was 12 and Shin gave him to her to protect at a young age. She loves to hangout with the boys and fight with them.

Hate/spice food and hate yui to call her sister and yui trying to see her eyes. She hate when the boys fight and she doesn't like pink clothes and hate anything that gets in her way when she wants something. Then she hate going to sunny places and don't like to be distributed.

Past of Y/n
When Y/n was born her parents didn't want her and she was put on this place and when she turn she age of 11 she was kidnapped and hair was yellow and she was tortured and they took her eyes for an experiment and she was tortured. Then years past she was at the age of 15 they thought they killed her so they threw her out until she went to an alley and she was crying and she sees a guy and his name was Seiji Komori  and he look at her and he took her in with him and he made her be friends with yui then yui made funny of her and she try to kill herself and she failed then  she found out yui was moving with Sakamaki and she was send to lived with them but who will she react when she meets the boy.

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