"This..this is MINE"

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  After Taehyung paid for the bracelets we headed for the rides. "Omg let's go on that one!!" I screamed loud causing people to look at me weird. Well fuck them im enjoying this. "Calm down people are staring at you like if you have mental issues." Taehyung teases and laughs. "Whatever." I playfully rolled my eyes then ran towards the ride. It was the biggest one at the amusement park. Instead of fear I was so ready to ride this bitch. "Hey wait for me!!" I turned laughing at the slow Taehyung behind me. "Never!!!" I turned forward and I was where the line was. "Hey you left me back there." Taehyung pouted. "And.." I chuckled. "That's it. From now on, if I give you three strikes, you'll get one of the biggest punishments. But I'll tell you what they are when you have three strikes, if not than your ok." "Oh I'm so scared." I faked a scared face." He smirked then spoke huskily in my ear. "Oh but you should be. You already have one." Then he moved away and walked infront of me. Me, still dumbfounded, lips parted froze for a bit, till a random persons voice called. "Are you going to stand there forever." I came back to reality and apologized, and moved forward. "Haha!!" Taehyungs laugh boomed through my ear. "Be quiet." I turned away from him.
The ride halted to a stop and the passengers got off. The worker then opened the chain and moved aside. We stepped in after some people and surprisingly got the front row. "Lola, you ready?" I looked at him then nodded. To be honest, I was kinda terrified. Taehyung saw it of course and gripped my hand, engulfing my small hand in his warm big one. I smiled, but of course it faded from the engine starting. Ok Lola, you can do this, it's noth-. But I couldn't finish my thoughts from the sudden movement. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Was the only thing coming out of my mouth until it stopped which felt like a lifetime. Taehyung who was laughing at me took off his safety belt and got up. I was frozen for like a good minute when a bright flash caught my eye. I turned to Taehyung who had his phone held to his face. "What did you do?" I suspiciously asked. "I might have took a picture of you for my home screen now." He then showed me his phone screen. That consist of me gripping on the handle, mouth and eyes wide open,  and a little blurry from my shaking. "Hey, delete that." I tried to stand, but the belt was holding me down. "Dummy." Taehyung mumbled but enough for me to hear. I glared at him and roughly pulled the seatbelt off. "Your so annoying." I hissed at Taehyung, as I walk away. He caught my wrist making me turn. "I'm sorryyy." He hugged me tight while be a cute little kid. "Fine whatever I forgive you." "Yayy!!" I laughed and turn only to take in the scent of cotton candy. "Mmmm that smells so good!!" My mouth practically watering at the sight of the big pink thread candy. "Well let's go get some then." Taehyung ran infront of me grabbing a hold of my wrist. "What can I get you and the pretty lady." The worker smiled brightly at the both of us. Taehyung smiled and looked at me. "Um... one pink cotton candy." The man nodded and started swirling the pink substance onto a stick.

" The man nodded and started swirling the pink substance onto a stick

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"Close your mouth Lola, you'll catch flies." Taehyung nudged me and chuckled. "Shut up, alien." Taehyung immediately stopped laughing, and slowly turned his head to me. Damn if eyes could kill. I shudder under his intimidating eyes. Then he smiled evilly. He then mouthed. "Strike two." I gulped down the dry ass lump in my throat and looked back at the cotten candy being handed to me. "Here you go." But when. I reached out Taehyung took it, paid, then stuck his tongue out at me. "Hey!!!! I want some too!!" I tried reaching but he held it over his head. Wow using my shortness on me Tae. He laughed and ran in a random direction. I laughed and ran after him. Chasing him like a lost puppy. He suddenly stopped running and his mouth holding a piece of cotten candy. He pointed at me then at the candy. I shook my head and he shrugged than started eating it in large amounts. It was like seeing the love of my life going away piece by piece. Ok ok!! I'll do it!!" He smirked then placed another piece holding it on his lips. I stepped forward and leaned in. When I started taking a hold of the candy he pushed my neck forward making me kiss him. The mix of his already sweet lips mixed with the candy sent me over the edge. I wanted more. When all the air was sucked out of me, I hit his chest to stop. We pulled away panting hardly. "Your amazing Lola." "Your not so bad yourself." I teased. "Don't tempt me." He whispered in my ear. I laughed sarcastically. Then an idea popped in my mind. "Ok DADDY." He moved away and just stared at me. "What did you just call me." "Dadd-." My words cut off by his lips harshly kissing mine making them more swollen. I then snatched the cotten candy and pulled away running. I turned and watched him run after me, only he was catching up quickly, that by the time I turned he already had me in his hands. "Not so fast baby, you just turned your daddy on." I could feel him kissing my neck softly. But I remembered we are in a public place so I pulled away. "Not now Taehyung." His face saddened but then lit up. "So later..." I rolled my eyes and walked to another ride while finishing of the rest of the cotten candy.

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