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A day passed and now it's Friday, my date with Taehyung. Waking up, I rolled over and ended falling on the ground. "Fuck." I pushed myself up and went to take a shower. Putting on some clothes I realize I need to cover my hickeys that have not left. So again I roam in my closet and find something more covering from the neck. Alright time to get school over with.

In the hallway, I went to my locker and was met by Sofia. "Heyyyyy!" I turned around to see Sofia all excited. "What's got you in a good mood." "Can't I just be in a good mood Lo." She smirked. "Yes but your acting weird and suspicious." I eyed her. "Well maybe because Jimin just asked me out on a date!" That last part she screamed. "Omg really! Tell me everything." When she was about to open her mouth the bell ringed, signaling us to get to class. We walked in and Taehyung was writing on the board. I sit down at my usual desk and wait. "Alright class today we are taking a quiz." Groaning and complaining filled the room. "Alright, alright quiet down. I'll begin to pass out the test." I stared at him as he made his way around everyone, giving them their papers. When he looked up to give mine, I quickly looked away, embarrassed I spaced out looking at the littlest details on his face. The paper was laid on my desk slowly, while a little note stuck at the corner. It read..." I'll pick you up at 5:00pm. Be ready babe😉"
I smirked at the note then stuffed it in the pocket of my backpack.

Time flied by fast and my test was complete. I walked up to turn it in. Taehyung was looking at his computer, focused on the screen. I planned to place it down fast and quietly, so we wouldn't make eye contact. But as if he felt my presence he was already looking at me. My cheeks felt hot and flared. He just simply chuckled then looked back at his computer. Moments like these make me want to jump out of a window.

School was boring as usual, nothing special. Except Taehyung stealing glances at me. Tired, I carried myself outside to my car. A hand tugged on my sleeve. I turned around and was surprised at who it was. "Hey Jungkook, what do you need?" I politely smiled at him. "Do you...um...maybe wanna hang out?" I stared at him intently then laughed at how flustered he seemed. "Sure, but not today, but tomorrow I'm free. Also Sofia will be at my house, so it will be us three." He nodded, then smiled while tilting his head.

" He nodded, then smiled while tilting his head

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My face turned concerned. "What? Do I have something on my face?" His smile grew more then spoke. "Yes." "What is it." As Jungkook was leaning in, my eyes widened so I tried to move away, but then I felt someone's hands pulling me away, running. A guy with a mask and a hoodie was pulling my arm roughly. Forcing me to run with him. Even tho he had a mask on I could see anger in the persons soft and familiar coffee brown eyes. Finally we halt to a stop and we were behind the school. He took of his mask, and I mentally face palmed myself. Of course it was HIM. "Lola." I looked at him scared of his cold expressionless face. "What's wrong Taehyung." He scoffed at my use to make him calm. "You know what's fucking wrong!" He yelled in my face making me flinch from the sudden outburst. By my reaction his face softened and held my cheek. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell." I looked down and murmured to him quietly, just enough for him to hear. "I don't like him like that, I was moving away from him, to stop him from kissing me. I only like one person." At this his angry expression showed again, yet sadness seemed to seep, as his voice cracked. "You shouldn't have used me then, but again I'm sorry I'll leave you alone." Confused at his words I gripped his shirt and kissed his tender soft lips, that tasted of sweet honeydew and strawberries. He pulled away, looking pained. "Stop it, don't you like someone else." I chuckled at what he was gloomy about. "You really are a clueless idiot." Offended by my comment he gasped dramatically. "How?" "Because you dummy, I like you and only you." He grinned pleased by hearing me. "I know I just wanted you to say it." I rolled my eyes at him and he only hugged me in a bear hug. Looking at the time on my phone, it was 4:40pm. I gasped and started to get out of the hug. "What's wrong?" Panicking I showed my phone. "I don't get it." I rolled my eyes again for like the millionth time, and looked at him with the 'are you serious' look. "We only have twenty minutes to get ready!" His loud laugh that would usually would be cute turned annoying. "Why are you laughing?!" Stopping he starts to catch his breath. "Because, you look so cute when your panicked." I blushed but turned around to go back to the front of school, where my car is. Also to cover my red ass tomato looking face. "Where are you going?" He yelled, starting to walk with me. "To my car, to get ready. You should too." He nodded, and before he left he pecked my cheek. My whole face was on fire! Hiding my embarrassment from any passing person I walked back to my car, and left quickly to get ready.

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