Jason found himself looking at the tank's hatch. Laureen let go of his shoulders, flopping down next to him. She grabbed his shoulder, wobbling unsteadily on top of the tank.

"We're on a fucking tank!" She screamed at him. "What now?!"

Jason looked behind him. The first tank was pulling itself backward, its cannon raising toward them, secondary machine gun aiming at their position. There was a roar from behind them and he quickly glanced over his shoulder, only to meet the sight of the fourth helicopter, still spewing smoke, flying toward them. Its own machine gun aimed right at them.

"Shiiiiiit!" He cried, trying to think fast. But before he could think, there was a cry from the sky. He looked and Audrey streaked past like a rocket. She flew right at the helicopter and screamed, "GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND!"

Audrey slammed right into the helicopter's cockpit, smashing through it, glass exploding around her. The force of the blow sent the helicopter flying backwards, its rotor crashing against the cliff and slicing apart.

Hiroshi zoomed in right behind, flying between the two tanks. He fired at the first one, hitting its machine gun and blowing it to bits. He shot in front of the second one's barrel and waving almost mockingly, before streaking toward the third one and fired multiple energy blasts at.

The first tank began pulling backwards, now unable to fire at such close range. Jason grinned before leaning down and grabbed the tank's hatch. He inserted his fingers into a small gap in it and began to pull. His muscles strained as the hatch creaked below him in protest. Jason clamped his teeth together, snarling through them.

"Come on dude!" Laureen leaned down next to him. The tank began to reverse and she grabbed onto his shoulder again to steady herself. "You got muscle! You can fucking open it! You got this, bro!"

Jason continued to pull, screams, gunfire, and explosions erupting all around him. But the damn hatch wouldn't come loose! He threw his head out, letting out an agonized cry, before another figure jumped onto the side of the tank.

It was Tuatara. The lizard-boy shook dust off his reptilian form before thrusting his own claws into the hatch. "Together now!" He snarled before he began to pull. Jason nodded, readjusting his grip, and pulled with all his might.

The hatch buckled, stubbornly resisting their combined might. But then something popped loose. Tuatara and Jason cried out, both in pain and from release, before the hatch suddenly was ripped loose. Jason was thrown backwards, slamming down on his ass, the hatch flinging free and spinning off into the air.

Tuatara yanked Laureen back, just after several bursts of deafening gunfire erupted from inside of the tank, pinging off its edges. "Blind them!" Tuatara cried as the gunfire stopped. Laureen took a deep breath, cheeks puckering. She held it for several moments, the tank grinding further down the beach. Then she leaned back over the open hatch and spewed smoke into its depths.

Hacking coughs immediately erupted from inside, along yells and cursed. The tank jerked crazily to the side, throwing Jason forward. His palms shot out and he caught himself on the edge of the hatch, coughing a little as he breathed in Laureen's smoke.

As the smoke began to disperse, Tuatara let go of Laureen and leaped into the tank. Jason sucked in a gulp of air and followed after him. He on his feet inside the tank, the smoke stinging his eyes. He found himself surrounded by numerous Skeleton Crew soldiers, all of them coughing and clawing at their eyes.

Jason didn't waste time. He socked the nearest guy. The man was launched into the wall, cracking his face into it. Tuatara unsheathed his claws and threw himself into the controls. Blood went flying as his claws tore through them, cutting down two mercs.

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