Eventually, we'd somehow managed to take out 5 of the main steps. It was probably a pretty dangerous thing to do on the one hand, however we needed something to try and keep away any zombies, and there was a rail which we could use to climb down, which came in handy when the scavengers downstairs started to hear some grumbling and groaning and had to hurry back up.

Their haul was a good one, and we managed to get them, as well as the items back up and into the computer room as the groaning became audible to the top floor - it was definitely lucky that they'd heard the noises before we had! We locked the twelve of us in the main room, and were able to use the 5 steps from either side as an extra barricade from the inside, not that we'd actually needed it at that point since the brain obsessed ones were still locked outside, but it was nice to know that we could now use that extra security.

Langdon checked out the window as the rest of us sat on the ground in the centre of the room.

"It's packed... their everywhere." Despite the darkness of this day, as he turned around things seemed so hopeful, despite the defeat in his voice, the day was back to normal. He slipped off the bench and, sounding almost hostile spoke again, "Did anyone lead them here? Did you guys make any sounds? Did you leave the doors unlocked!" His whispers were sharp, and I was surprised. He always had seemed so calm? [Not that I'd ever known him well]

"Hey now." I tried to speak softly, but I don't know how well that worked, "Chill. It's no one's fault that they're everywhere. Most of the school is one of them now, there's no where around here that we won't see floods of them! We may come to need each other, so please don't start arguing now. The doors are locked, we're all quiet and in here. We will be okay for now, we just need to wait them out for a little bit, surely soon there won't be so many outside."

He shot me a look, before glancing back to the window and to the group, "For all of our sake we better hope those doors are locked. One false move - a loud voice, a creaky floorboard? They will be shattering those doors downstairs to try and find fresh meat, and I don't want to be the next meal." His words shot like ice.

"Langdon." I paused, unsure of how I'd needed to continue this, or rather end the conversation before we got too loud, "Please. You need to breathe, you need to take a moment. Take a seat and relax. It may be hard, but if you don't take a step back, they're gonna hear you getting louder and louder. You need to stay calm, don't get so annoyed at us, that's not fair."

He looked at me for a few moments, seemingly unsure on what to do, but a few minutes went by and cautiously, he joined us on the floor. He looked so done. All of us looked so done, and it had only been a few hours. If we were like this now, and plenty of other places had the same deal, what were we gonna do? How could I help protect these people, things were moving so rapidly, and we were trapped on the top floor of the main school in our area, with the people that aren't really people everywhere outside.

I didn't know. I was at a loss of a how, but there was no way I could ever let anything happen to these people.

Oh gods, I only hoped that this was a sickness to last no more than a few days?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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