I stood in the doorway between room 87 and 86, holding my breath as I scanned the room.          

The door opposite to me - the one that was the official entry to room 87 was closed, and I think locked. The bags that I'd been holding dropped to the ground, and honestly, I think my eyes started tearing up.

"Aaliyah, stop looking like you're going to cry. That's so lame."  It was Ella.

So maybe I shouldn't have been tearing up, but I was kind of freaked [not that I'd ever admit that!], and really glad that they'd made it to the class.

"So uh, guys." I started, loud enough to get the ZAST's attention, quiet enough to not get anything else's attention, and went over to the window that looks out between block 4 and block 3. "I got a few bags, sorry I kinda ditched, but it's good to see you all made it back okay. There's a few of them... the weird ones, outside, so we better stay upstairs for now. I'm thinking that maybe we set up room 87 as our.. base, I guess? Yeah? It's linked well enough to both sides of block 4, but is also mostly on the furthest side from the gym, you know? So I think it's pretty good. Also, it's got computers so... But yeah, we should set up here, and guys, I'm thinking we should hit up the upstairs classes for any supplies yeah? So like rooms 83 through to room 90 - all the upstairs classes." I'd tried to sound calm throughout that wee speech, but I think my voice came out all nervous and shaky, and my wording more formal than normal, which I mean, would probably tip Ella and Gary off that I'm not feeling as chill as I'm attempting to act.

"What kind of supplies do you mean, A?" The ring-leader of the boys maths group was trying to give me a nickname. So sweet. (Although I definitely rolled my eyes at the attempt - I mean, come on, really? We're 10 minutes into the apocalypse!)

I shrugged. "No idea. Whatever you think could be useful in a zombie apocalypse. Notes on zombies, things you could use as weapons against zombies. Jackets and stuff left in the classrooms -- I don't know, whatever could be useful. Oh, and I'm not saying that this is for sure a zombie apocalypse, but yeah it probably is." I smirked slightly, and gave a bit of a laugh - at the situation, I guess.

"I'll stay in here and see what the internet has to say on this.. if anything." I spoke quietly, but I don't know, solemnly, I guess? And Langdon headed over to the official door to block 87, and unlocked it, slipping out to... follow my 'orders', I guess.

His friend , and the maths boys followed him through that door, while the white-knuckle-couple and the two extra girls I'd picked up went out through the door that I'd come in, so as to hit up those classes, I suppose. Gary and Ella sat on either side of me and opened up windows on the computers, while I did the same on mine, none of us saying a word. We'd get through the articles quicker that way.

While everything was quiet in the upstairs of block 4, from rooms 83-90, the internet was in chaos. The first thing I did was check my social media - and I think the other two did as well - only to find at least 50 new posts about "What the **** is going on??!" And others of the sort.

I decided I'd join the post-fest in a calmer manner:

"Hey hey all you not-so-off-people that are reading this!!! If you've got any idea what's going on, please hit me up !!! Would be nice to not only know that there are some people not so obsessed with how appetizing brains are, but also just to know what is actually going on in general!!! Thxxxx"

Because I'm cool like that.

While Ella and Gary had shifted onto news websites and conspiracy blogs [Guess who was looking at what], with wide eyes, I entered my own search into the browser, looking specifically into posts from within the last month.

From what I can gather, it was something that started up in the labs of our capital city up in the north of our country, then flown via one of our cheapest domestic airlines to some other labs at the bottom of the country, sort of spreading it in both places, and then somehow this had caused it [not quite 100% sure what it is yet] into all the places in between, including where my ZAST was now. from the looks of things it had also spread further up than the capital, and further down than down south, so that was good to hear - nowhere in the country being safe.

I hit up a few more websites to see that yes, that was basically the source of it, although as I continued to delve further into articles, I struggled to find anything that said how it was spreading - I'm pretty sure no one knew how it was spreading. And then according to a few other articles, what was being transported and experimented or whatever on in the labs was top secret, so we had no hope of finding out - unless Ella's conspiracy theories were to actually be proven.

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