Assembly was sort of like... the BAM! SOMETHING REALLY IS OFF! moment, the true realisation of adventure.

So basically, assembly is held Wednesday mornings, after the first class, in the auditorium. Then, instead of period two, some people go to the meetings that apply to them, that were announced at the assembly, and people often use those to ditch. But then, sometimes, like today, the meetings announced will apply to everyone. The principal is usually the one running said meeting, maybe with another teacher if there are more than one option for the full school meeting, you know? So, the principal said his morning announcements, except.. it was more slower and more gruntier than usual.

"School...." He said in a grunt, as he fumbled to turn on the projecter. It was about 5 minutes of grunts as he tried to get the screen up, which was totally weird [Of course] - usually it takes him only, like, one minute of fumbling, you know? But anyway, when the screen came up, it showed a picture of a brain in a bowl, like, marinated with brain goo or whatever, and still, doused in a blood sauce, and sitting in a wee pool of it, too.

"If this *Grunts* looks appealing to you *Grunts* please meet in the top gymnasium." He said, and grunted some more, before turning to look at the screen himself, and letting an 'Mmmm' escape into the microphone.

"It looks like he'll be going to the gym!" I whispered to another friend of mine called Kailee. She just gave me a funny look, and turned back to the screen, drool coming out of the sides of her mouth. I shifted on my seat so I was almost sitting on Ella, when the principal spoke again;

"For you silllllly geeeeese" He grunted, his words getting slower, "That dooon't find this appeeeealing," This time there were a lot of people going 'Mmmm', "You staaaay here..." His words trailed off, and he shuffled slowly towards the screen, before proceeding to lick the picture of the brain, and looking over his shoulder awkwardly, and yelling -very slowly, "GOOO....."

Kailee left, along with a couple of my other friends in my row. "Weirdos." I whispered to the ones leaving, as Ella shoved me off her.

"Why do we have to stay in here?" Ella whispered to me.

"They'll, uh, try and make us go weird like them or something." Gary said, doing a hair flip.. by brushing his fringe out of his face.

"Oh crap.." I muttered, "They probably will, won't they? Oh hey,  we could get a group of like, 10 people from in here to come sit with us, ready to bolt  if things go too weird.. they can be like, our Zombie Apocolypse Survival team.. or ZAST for short." I couldn't help but grin, beaming for an adventure.

Gary and Ella both gave me funny looks, and Ella even rolled her eyes at me! But I didn't care, I was busy looking around the room at who had stayed. Of 1000 or so people at this school, between 50-100 had stayed in the auditorium, although, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few people that had gone just to take the piss. Gods, I wonder what was happening down there. But here, with the 'no-weirder-than-normal-50-100' people were Gary, Ella and I, plus a couple of strangers sitting at the end of our row, holding one anothers hand so tightly, that both of their knuckles were going white. There were a couple of rows of the 'popular' kids in the middle of the auditorium, maybe 20 of them, who were not going to be apart of our ZAST, a row of the 'nerds' from the year above us [I knew a few of them, and they were actually pretty cool], a few boys on the opposite side of the room to us that were the second most talkative group in my maths class [Following only my maths squad!], a bunch of other people, and the cute new boy in my Science class, Landon, walking over towards us, his friend by his side...

Landon sat down beside me, and leant into my group of three [although now four with him, and five with his friend], and whispered to us, "What on earth is going on?!"

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I got the chance, a couple of teachers, that may or may not have been weird [we were near enough the back, so I suppose that's my excuse for not being able to tell] walked up to the podium, and began to speak to those of us that had stayed in the auditorium, and had not found that bloodied brain appealing...

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