Fates Intertwine

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Unlike the usual start,it wasn't a sunny day. Infact the clouds had already started to gather above the city. The clouds were so dense that they did not even let a single beam of sunlight pass through them. Dullness occupied a better part of the atmosphere.
The entire class was busy paying attention to the teacher.
Everyone, except Mayura.
She was more engrossed in thinking about how would she get home, if it started raining. It wasn't like she din't enjoy rains but it was just today when her umbrella decided to be lost somewhere. And the matter of fact that she had her Friend's notes to take home with her that she needed to complete. No wonder that she din't want them to be wet.
She glanced over to the two desks beside her. They looked empty. Well obviously they had to since Rokuro and Benio weren't here. They were gone to the Tsuchimikado island for their so called vacation, for which Benio had asked for as a birthday gift. Just the thought of him made  her blush, even if she was aware of the fact that those two were dating. She was really happy for his friend but also resented the fact that she could have been the one, only if she had confesses to him before.
As the teacher continued to explain the maths sum further Mayura got more and more drowned in the ocean of her thoughts. She let out a audible sigh.
The teacher asked,"Are you alright, Otomi?"
She nodded her head as a response with her face completely red. She knew that she shouldn't be too carried away.
The class ended.
She waved goodbyes to Chiyuri and Kanade who left early today as they had to for a reason she din't know and did not bother asking them. She packed up her bag and started to walk off to the café.
Yes, right "café."
After Mayura's father Seigen lost his arm in an accident, her mother Yukari had opened up a café, where she would work until Mayura was at school. After that Mayura took care of it, also to give her mom some rest.
She was on the bridge when she immediately sensed something. A water droplet fell on her head. She let her face up in the the direction of the sky.
She kept her fingers crossed. But to no use. Another droplet fell on her nose, and soon their speed and velocity increased.
"Noooooooo" she yelled with her delicate voice.
She instantly hurried down the steps of the bridge, on which green algae had grown, due to frequent rains and the bridge was anyway old and rusty.
Her leg missed a step as a result of her hurriedness.
She slipped.
She shut her eyes tight, adrenaline rushed through her body as part of her prepared herself for the pain.
But to her curiosity, she din't hit the hard ground instead she bumped into something soft. But she definitely felt the skin of her leg being ripped apart. The front side of her half body was as if protected by the thing from the rain water which she could feel on her legs. More interestingly, the soft thing had warmth coming from it and a deep, addicting scent.
Her heart skipped a beat when a thought crossed her mind.
'Was she right now half lying over someone?'
She instantly pulled out her hand from whatever the thing was, only to notice she was right.
Her face was completely into the person's chest.
She turned her head up to notice two icy blue eyes giving her an annoying look, with the face completely flustered.
It wasn't any different from hers.
Her legs ached in pain.
She tried to pull away as her senses regained stability, but as soon as she tried to she fell to the other side.
Even though her senses were ready for the movement, her legs were not.
"Tskkk....Don't you get it? You shouldn't move yourself right now!" the guy said in a straight forward tone which seemed more like an order.
She replied,"I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me."
She lied. Of course she wasn't fine. She felt the excruciating pain running throughout her body, maximum at her left leg.
Her face was in the direction of the ground. She tried to turn but to her disappointment, all that happened was that an audible hiss left her mouth even if she tried the best to not get herself anymore embarrassed.
She could see the guy's leg straightening up as he stood.
"You don't understand, do you?" she heard the voice again counter back on her to which she lowered her head.
Instantly, an arm encircled around her waist and the other on the behind of her knees, making her blush as hell.
She squeaked, shaking from the sudden movements,"what do you think you're doing? You cool-Demeanor-icy-eyed-pervert."
He lifted her into the so called "princess hold".
"Wait, what? Besides this is what you call help not a bunch of words that don't make sense."
She frowned. She now got a better view of his face. 'Wait,was his hair color fuchsia?' She possibly couldn't be surprised by that since she herself had unique blonde hair fading into bright green. He looked almost a bit older than herself, but much more taller and colder. He had worn the same uniform as her, but he had wrapped a scarf around his neck and had headphones on.
He looked her in the eye. They maintained eye contact for a while, after which he turned his gaze on her wounded leg, and then on the stairs.
Right now she wasn't in a position to turn her head to get a report of her leg so she turned her gaze to where he was looking.
Her hand caught instantly to his T-shirt, as her eyes widened when she saw the blood spilled over the stairs. Her blood.
That's exactly what she expected from the amount of pain that was making way in her leg. It was a proof of her leg being badly skinned and wounded.
"You need first-aid" he said while going below the bridge, the only place protected from the rain.
When they reached there he carefully placed her down on the ground making sure it didn't hurt her. Mayura realized she needed to let go of his T-shirt that she was still holding. She instinctively pulled back her hand, embarrassed, again.
He went out again and came back like in half a minute with his hands clutching onto two bags. She realized one of them was her, the other one possibly his.
He placed both of them on the ground beside her and knelt down. He dig in his bag for a while and removed some stuff as the rain continued to fall. Cotton, antiseptic cream,bandage.
The voice of the rain filled the place entirely, it yet it was an awkward silence between the two."Hey, thank you for your help and I'm really sorry that you have to go through all this because of me." Mayura said as her voice brushed off the growing awkwardness between them.
He gently placed his hand on her leg and began to clean the blood that had flowed out. "Don't worry, you don't need to apologize, it was just an accident and I anyway wouldn't have left a girl wounded and gone."
She felt the heat rising onto her face. She had judged him wrong. Contracting his outer cold appearance, he was really gentle also kind and sweet. She smile.
Wait, what was she even thinking?
She let out another hiss as he applied the antiseptic. It burned as if someone had set her leg on fire. Her instincts let her to move her hand to stop him even thought he did it gently. But before she could, his hand stopped her from doing it. Their eyes locked, again. Her eyes pleaded him to stop, she couldn't bear the pain anymore, and he somehow seemed to understand that.
But instead of stopping he held her hand tightly yet as gently and continued to aid her. Every time it hurt her, she would grasp tightly to their already held hand. He did not even once try to leave it even if she sometimes let loose. She was really amazed by his considerate behaviour.
It din't take much time then for it to be done and she let go of his hand, and so did he.
She gave an heartwarming smile.
"Thank you. By the way I'm Otomi Mayura." She used her mothers last name since her parents were divorced because Seigen din't wanted to burden her mother and her after the accident thing, but she's glad that things have gotten better and now he stays with them.
He returned her smile but with a small one, still on which Mayura's heart skipped a beat. Why though?
He replied,"I'm Ikaruga Shimon."
"Well, even in terms of a bad meeting, nice to meet you Ikaruga-san." She said jokingly
He responded,"same here, Otomi-san. You can call me Shimon. Otherwise it sounds too formal."
He stood up, and offered her a hand which she readily accepted.
He then said," does it still hurt?"
"Well...it does, but thanks to you I'm surely better than before." She gave an reassuring smile.
The sound of the rain had stopped. Beams of sunlight now filled the entire space, but also the smell of the wet mud after rain,known as petrichor filled in distinctively.
He again put forth a question, this time putting back on his no expression face, not like he had removed of off, but he had been really gentle to her.
"Can you walk,now?"
"Yeah, I guess I can" she said as she took a few small steps, but ended up stumbling.
"You're impossible, y'know" he said while helping her stand up. He took both their bags. "Don't hesitate to tell me if you need help." He said as he held her hand and led the way.
She was completely flustered by this. The same situation with him. He asked her the way to her house which she guided him to. Except for that both of them din't dare utter a word. They were already embarrassed by the hand holding thing and the looks the people passing by, gave. And this was all because of her,Mayura thought.
Finally, they reached.
She turned and bowed down to Shimon.
"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would've done without your help."
"Again. Will you stop thanking, already?"he then continued,"wait are you Seigen-San's daughter?"
He looked flabbergasted.
Another voice came from behind which sent chills down to both their spines,"Oi,what do you think you're doing to my daughter, Shimon?"

Finally its over !!!!! The first chp of my second shimayu fic.
But still no yayy as my hands are paining since I was writing this nearly 2k minus 100 words chp on mobile since laptop not working😢😢😢😢
Anyway other chps won't be this long
Besides anyone knows y Shimon had first aid with him?
And what could Seigen be possibly doing before he got lost his arm????
Any guesses? Since its modern AU n no exorcism.
Anyway comment, did you like it?
Well till next chp cyaa..

when the rain falls...(DISCONNECTED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon