Her choice

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And again it began with,

It was already dusk. But seemingly darker outside as the clouds spread through the horizon. The café was somehow exceptionality isolated for some reason. It was a Sunday but usually there were more people here as in comparison for today.

But it was just perfect for Mayura as she sat on the kitchen counter. Her legs crossed and a hand bracing her face tenderly. Since there was no one she had dived in her love triangle. A book. Coffee. Rain.

Her eyes were jerking tears as she read the words. Emotions flowed in. Her heart pounded in her chest. She knew that the book was about to end so the gaps between words also began to seem longer. She turned the next page of the book but frowned seeing it was already over. That's the thing with books isn't it? You read it, completed get immersed into it. And when the end arrives you know that your heartbeats have already entwined with the ones in the books.

She wiped them off as she stared into the void. Tiny fragments ran through her head. She longed for more. Her eyes than flipped onto the bright blue cover of the book and on the name of it,"the fault in out stars"

She was more attracted to a quote, even if she would say that the entire book was a rollercoaster ride for her. And the quote was,
"You don't get to choose if you get hurt on this world......but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choice."
Her heart ached, knowing how tragic the ending was. Wasn't at her case too?

She hoped down the counter and started roaming in the café as it called for her. The emptiness had something really soulful in it. She din't knew what though. Her eyes glanced over to one of the tables on a stain of coffee mug. Her fingers ran over it and embraced it. Warmth filled in her contrasting to the cold rain outside. She exactly knew now what the emptiness was filled with. It had satisfaction. And the quote, yes of course it related the best with her. Rokuro, she so loved him and had a silent heart break. But now she was happy with her choice. Not because she had moved on or something, but because he was happy.

She now embraced it. She knows now that after all the pain, all the hurt and after all gone, the memories are sealed within us to comfort us. She was happy for her best friend. Even if it hurt her. Now at least she won't let the pain hurt her more. She had to accept the truth that he loved another girl, right? It was enough of being bottled up inside. She knew that someday this might happen, it just came sooner than she expected. But now it was just fine. She was alright. Even if she had a void in her, she was alright. She knew that now she just needed happiness to fill this void. You know the daily small things that make you happy. Exactly.

She placed her hand on the glass window as the rain drops on the outer surface gave a natural filter. The sound of horns and some screeching noises were evident as the cars passed by.

A human figure caught her attention. It was a tall, fuchsia headed boy walking down the pavement on the other side as a crimson umbrella shielded him. The umbrella covered his face a bit, but still she could see his eyes. But his azure blue eyes were not as bright as always. Instead they were dull and glassy. And something streamed down his eyes. He walked past her sight. She wondered whether it was tears or the rain drops.

And this person....wasn't he Shimon?

But why was he crying?


Helloooo readers. Long time no see!!
Anyway I updated after a while so I'm sorry for that and another thing is I'll only be able to update on weekends as school has already started. Urghhhh.

Actually this is my smallest chp. I won't say it was rushed or something because it was just this way as I expected it to be.
A small realisation on Mayura's part. I din't want to fill it with a whole lot of complicated words and feelings so I just let it be simple. And that fault in our stars idea just hit me from nowhere so I included it. So there it is.

By the way Shimon crying!! I wonder what happened?!😕😕
So wait for Saturday for me to update.
And comment and vote if you like.

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