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The coffee scent wafted through the café. But that of hot chocolate was still Mayura's favorite. The cafe was at peak at this time of the evening. People coming in was constant. As a result, she had to help her mom.

Mayura wasn't exactly in a good mood right now. It wasn't like something was wrong but something just didn't seem alright. She couldn't actually put that into words though. Something seemed to bother her. She tried to put her inner restlessness at a halt but it didn't work. '

'Maybe it was because last night I wasn't able to sleep well.' She thought to herself. 

She was just not admitting it. But instead, she was covering the fact that it was Shimon that was bothering her. Maybe sometimes giving yourself that little permit to think about it completely, is the way to end or better solve a problem rather than trying to dodge it. Right? 

And she constricted herself from doing so. Not her fault thought. Since they had come back he has been ignoring her. And yesterday when Roku tried to ask him he simply walked away saying that, 'it's none of your business'. Mayura too tried to talk to him but after he ignored her, it wasn't the best thing to do', she thought. 'Maybe, he needs some time.'

 Mayura then took the coffee that was waiting to be served as her mom prepared the others and stared doing some latte art. 

She made a small smiley face as latte art. It wasn't perfect. But it was fine, since it looked cute nevertheless. Now she wondered why she made this instead of the usual hearts and flowers are usual ones. She remembered that this one was what she use to love ever since she was a child. 

"It's for the corner one. Would you go give it Mayura?" A warm chirpy  and voice, hat belonged to her mom asked. 

"Sure mom." She responded and smiled brightly. 

She picked it up and went to serve it to the destined table. 

'The corner one' she kept in mind.

As she ambled from in between the classy wooden table and chairs of this place she kept her gaze on the floor, making sure not to trip. Also keeping a eye on the latte in her hand, hoping the person whom this is being given to doesn't think of it as too childish. 

#Rule 1: Fingers crossed. 

#Rule 2: everything will bring fine, if you don't forget where to serve it. 

'The corner one.'

 She placed the latte in front of the person sitting in the corner. She smiled and said,"Here's your coffe-..." Her words we're well cut off by seeing the person sitting there. 

"Hey Shimon!" She said with her usual enthusiasm as the events of the other day refilled in her mind. 

"I wanted to see you, so I came around." He said. 

"What do you mean?" She asked promptly, blush rising on her cheeks. 

"Can you sit with me for a while?" He asked, seemingly desperate. 

"Umm, okay." She replied. 

As Shimon took sips of his coffee, awkward silence began to fill in between them. 'He is acting weird again.' Mayura thought. 'Stop thinking about it in that way, even friends meet up, don't they?' Her mind snapped back. 

"Umm, mayura, did you make it?" He asked his gaze on the liquid in his hands. 

"Huh, sorry what?" Mayura broke her bubble of daze. 

"I mean the coffee" 

"Yeah, something not okay?" She asked uncertain. 

"No, it's great. The smiley face art on this looks like yo--" He instantly covered up his words, "uhh, nothing."

"Okay.." She said, not knowing what else to. 

"Did you want to talk to me regarding something important?" Mayura interrogated.

"Yeah, I guess. That other day,.." He took another sip, "I just thought I talked to you quite rudely. I only realized it when Roku gave me a hit." 

"Wait, he hit you?" Her mouth agape. 

"Yeah, I mean I think it was for the better. He got me to my senses. I didn't actually mean to ignore you or something, or say something harsh but that day, but I had been feeling dizzy and probably the words came out such because of fever. Also,  it would've been bad if you contacted it too." He said, sounding guilty for what he did. 

'Wait, that's why he had been ignoring me? And I thought that..When did I become so selfish that I just kept thinking about myself? I only noticed his the negative points.'

Now when she saw him closely, there were dark bags under his eyes, the ones you get from not sleeping properly. His eyes, they had sort of resentment in them. Those blue now shone with burden and worries, nothing like the clear blue limitless sky he held in his eyes. 

'Was I so into me that I overlooked it?'


"Huh, yeah? "

"I said that I don't think I wanted to lose what what was between us... I mean as friends and you too seemed kind of down lately. I'm sorry" He had a blush growing on his face. 

"No wait, I'm sorry. I was kind of mad because I was worried that you left without a word and I thought that you were kind of annoyed by my presence so I..." She hung ber head low. The blonde locks veiling her eyes. 

"That would never be the case. I can't be annoyed by you. You mean a great deal to me, mayura." He said softly, kind of stunned by what she said 

"Mayura, look at me." He commanded and she did as he said. Shimon could now see the water that was gathered in her eyes. As it dripped down, he held put his hand and wiped it off. The contact with his hand made the butterflies in her stomach run free. His hand...it was gentle. It felt good. Even if it came as a sudden movement, it felt warm. 

It was warm inside as the cold rain poured out. 

"I'm sorry. I should've told you. Actually lately.." He was still caressing her cheek when the sudden harsh ringtone of his phone interrupted the atmosphere. 

He withdrew his hand and picked up the phone, "hello, what?....Okay, I'm coming." He said panic stricken. Immediately he got up. 

"Shimon, what's wrong?"

"Not now, mayura. I'll tell you later." He said and immediately left. 

'I hope you're fine.'


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