Submission P2

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Lance's POV:
"Can I speak now?" I whispered softly to him, still rubbing his back lightly. He muttered, "Yes," so I took that opportunity to speak. "Look, I hope you understand that I'm fine with what you did earlier. I mean, we all do it eventually. I don't judge you at all, and I really hope you understand that. You're a great person, Keith, and you probably have someone just as amazing." I started playing with his hair softly, letting it run through my fingers. It felt oddly satisfying, so I kept doing it.

So soft.

Keith POV
I feel Lance's finger run down my hair. It felt good. Really good. I relax a little. Lance's fingers contuies to run down my hair, I even let out a little moan... fuck.
I quickly look at Lance who stopped his motions completely, and he looks down at me.

Lance's POV:
Damn, did he just moan, or was that just me...? I tried to keep up a "cool" act around him. "Heh, um.. guess this sharpshooter is too OP, even for the great Keith Kogane!" I chuckled softly, and he gave me a disapproving look. I sighed and looked down, obviously flustered. "I'm sorry, I'm not good at these types of things... I'm always seen as a goofball, and I try to act all happy, but I've never thought about... love..." I gulped, looking at him. Shit.

Keith's POV
Love huh? Who knew.
"Love..." I whisper more to myself than to Lance.
Love was always something I had trouble with. I would have it hard to open up to people. But sitting here. With Lance. Made me relize how much I truly love this goofball. "Lance...don't try to be something your not. Yeah I get you can be annoying and loud and a little obnxious at times but your a part of this team. You're both Voltron"

Lance's POV:
I was surprised. Keith, of all paladins, telling me I'm valuable to the team, and him too? That was enough to make a smile spread on my face. I leaned over to him and hugged him tightly, which made us fall on the bed. But I didn't care. What he said made me feel special. He thought I was valuable? Maybe he said that to all paladins... no way! "You're valuable to me too. I mean, without you, who will I pick on?" I chuckled softly and gave him a goofy grin.

Keith's POV
My heart can't take it anymore. I feel a smile come on my face.
Oh this boy..
We fall to the bed giggling. He buries his head in my shoulder. I hesitate whether or not I should hug him back. Another thing I was never good at was hugs. Like hugs in general. I would back off or accidentally punch someone in the face. I was too protective. I realize my arms were hanging above Lance's back. I hug him back.

Lance's POV:
My face flushed vermillion. He was so close, and I was so tempted... kiss him. That's all that went through my head. And I did. I didn't peck his lips, I went for the kill. I stayed there, kissing him. OH. MY. GOD. I shut my eyes tightly and didn't pull away, too nervous to. I couldn't move. His soft lips were electrifying. I wanted more of him.

Keith's pov
My eyes widen, my heart's pounds, my face flushes. HE'S KISSING ME. I panic, but I kiss back. Lance's eyes are closed so I close mine. He lips are soft. I hold him tighter not letting go. My hands drift to his hair, and I tug a little. Damn it's soft.
Our lips keep moving in perfect motion, and then we both let go. Breathing hard, both faces flushed with pink.
He looks at me, and I look back. His eyes...they're almost like the ocean itself. His soft and perfect.
I want Lance..
I want more..

Lance's POV:
I smiled at him a little. Such a beautiful.. emo.. creature. Just kidding. He was really beautiful, honestly, and I would've never guessed that I would be calling Keith, of all paladins, beautiful. Sure, I used to feel something for Allura, but Keith was different.

Keiths pov
Is this really happening. Is this real. My gay mind and feelings are all over the place. Lancelancelancelancelance. His blue eyes seemed to shine more as I looked into them. The freckles that dotted around his cheeks looked like tiny stars. I think I'm in love.

Lance's POV:
I finally pulled away, panting softly and looking at him. His eyes were beautiful.. goddamnit, I'm so bi. "...Anything to say, Keith Kogay?" Ever since Shiro secretly came out to me as gay and told me about his ex fiancé, Adam, it made me question my own sexuality, which I'm pretty sure at this point was bisexual.

I mean, I was questioning ever since me and Keith became rivals at the garrison. He was just... better than me. In every way. He was always doing so well.. the only problem was his temper. But I guess I fell for both his cute and tough side. Rumors in the garrison also spread about him, saying that he liked someone named "Taylor" (I still want to beat Taylor's ass, whoever they are). But hey, maybe he liked me now...

Keith's POV.
I was flustered when we pulled away. Then I rember something back from the garrison. I thought Lance's nane was Taylor. I laugh to myself which causes Lance to look weirdly at me.

"What?" He asks.
"Taylor. I thought your name was Taylor back at the Garrison."
Lance looks at me with pure shock.

Lance's POV:
He liked me back at the garrison...? Oh my god, this is more than I could've ever asked for. "Are you serious...? You liked me back at the garrison...? Everyone said you liked a person named Taylor..."

Keith's POV
I laugh a little.
"Nah. It was always you dummy."
Lance makes a small little smile and pecks me on the lips. I smile and kiss him back. This idiot. I love him.

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